Civil Society Organizations Registered to the OAS
List of Registered Organizations
Organizations registered with the OAS
Asociación Alfil- Identidades en Diálogo
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council
President: Rashell Erazo
Work areas:Human Rights: LGBTI; Gender

[email protected];

[email protected]

Address:C/ Reina Victoria N25-33 y Av. Cristóbal Colón, Ed. Banco Guayaquil, Piso 5, Of. 504 A

+593 2 256-0543

Register date:April 5, 2017

Asociación Industrial de Latinoamericanos (AILA)
President: Henry Kronfle Kozhaya
Work areas:Integral Development: Socioeconomic Development

[email protected]

Address:Av. Francisco de Orellana y Miguel H. Alcívar, Edificio Las Cámaras, Torre Institucional, Piso 5to

593 437 133 90

Register date:January 16, 2002

Centro de Investigación de la Comunicación Colectiva del Ecuador (CIDCCE)
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council
 Legal Representative:Silvia Margarita Proaño Carrera
Work areas:Human Rights / Democracy: Citizen Participation; Research

[email protected]

Address:Calle Ulpiano Páez N 2027 y18de septiembre

593 225 44 094

Register date:April 5, 2006

Centro Ecuatoriano de Derecho Ambiental (CEDA)
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council
President  Rafael Serrano
Work areas:Integral Development: Sustainable Development

[email protected];

Address:Av. Eloy Alfaro 1770 y Rusia, 3er Piso

5932 2231 410 / 2231-411 / 2238 609

Fax number:

(593-2) 2231-410 / 2231-411 / 2238-609

Register date:November 4, 2004

Centro Internacional de Estudios Superiores de Comunicación para América Latina (CIESPAL)
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council Website
President: Rafael Serrano
Work areas:Integral Development: Sustainable Development

[email protected]

Address:Av. Eloy Alfaro 1770 y Rusia, 3er Piso [email protected];

5932 2231 410 / 2231-411 / 2238 609

Register date:December 11, 2015

Coordinadora de las Organizaciónes Indígenas de la Cuenca Amazónica (COICA)

General Coordinator:Sebastao Ají Manchineri
Work Areas:Human rights: Indigenous populations
Email:[email protected]; [email protected]
Address:Calle Luis Beethoven N47-65 y Capitán Rafael Ramos,
Box. 17-21-753, Quito- Ecuador
Phone:(593-2) 2407-759 / 2812-098
Date of registry:November 4, 2004

Corporación de Estudios Económicos, Analíticos y Sociales (CEEAS)
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

Director:Marcelo Merlo Jaramillo
Work areas:Integral development : Education; social/economic development
Email:[email protected] ; [email protected]
Phone:(593) 2 322 8366
Address:Calle Cordero E 12-114 y Toledo, Esquina. Edificio Lugano
Quito, Ecuador
Date of registry:May 25, 2006

Corporación Foro de la Juventud
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council Website

Executive director:Mayra Jacqueline Cedeño Proaño
Work areas:Democracy: citizen participation; integral development: Education; youth
Email:[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Address:Los Ríos 2622 Entre Gómez Rendón y Maldonado planta alta Edif.: FESO / Guayaquil - Ecuador
Phone:(593 04) 603-9830
Date of registry: December 3, 2009

Corporación Participación Ciudadana Ecuador
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council Website

Executive director:Ruth Hidalgo
Work areas:Democracy: citizen participation; Transparency ; governance; Anticorruption 
Email:[email protected]; [email protected]
Address:Calle José M. Abascal N 38-29 y Portete Quito, Ecuador
Phone:(593-2) 246 6003/246 6464
Date of registry:January 9, 2007

Corporación Promoción de la Mujer / Taller de Comunicación de la Mujer
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council Website

Executive director:Tatiana Cordero Velásquez
Work areas:
Email:[email protected]
Address:Calle Vizcaya E 13-18 y Valladolid, La Floresta, Quito, Ecuador
Phone:(593) 2 – 256-8571
Date of registry:November 4, 2004

Federación Latinoamericana de Ciudades, Municipios y Asociaciones de Gobiernos Local (FLACMA)
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council Website

President:Julio César Pereyra
Work areas:Democracy: Transparency; governance / Integral development:  Sosteinable development
Email:[email protected]
Address:Calle Agustín Guerreo 219 y José María Ayora, 2do. Piso
Quito, Ecuador
Phone:(593 2) 246-9365/6
Date of registry:January 9, 2007

Fundación Afroamérica XXI Ecuador
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

Director:Orlan Corozo Canga
Work areas:Human rights: Afro-descendants ; Gender; youth and childhood / integral development: social development
Email:[email protected]
Address:Hurtado 603 y Esmeraldas
(esquina) 2do piso-oficina #2
Phone:(593) 4-2191629
Date of registry:December 3, 2009

Fundación Andina para la Observación y Estudio de Medios (FUNDAMEDIOS)
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council Website

Executive director:César Ricaurte
Work areas:Democracy: Transparency; Governance; Strengthening Democratic Institutions civil education ; citizen participation / human rights: 
Freedom of expression / multidimensional security: public security

Email:[email protected]
Address:Iñaquito E2-32 y Unión Nacional de Periodistas Esquina (UNP), Edificio UNP, piso 4 Oficina 403
Quito, Ecuador
Phone:(593) 2 2237 413 / (593) 2 2230 821
Date of registry:November 15, 2011

Fundacion Chasquinet
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council Website

Executive director:Karin Delgadillo Poepsel
Work areas:Integral development:  Human development; Education
Email:[email protected]
Address:Hernando Sarmiento N39-65 entre Portete y Hugo Moncayo. Casilla Postal: 17-21-180 Quito, Ecuador
Phone:(593) 2224-2489 / (593) 2 245-3664
Date of registry:May 16, 2008

Fundación Ciudadanía y Desarrollo
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council Website

Executive director:Mauricio Alarcón Salvador
Work areas:Democracy: citizen participation; integral development: Education, social development
Email:[email protected]
Address:Iñaquito E2-32 y Unión de Nacional de Periodistas
Edf. UNP, Oficina 301 Quito, Ecuador
Phone:(593-2) 2458878
Date of registry:April 5, 2017

Fundación Esquel (EGF)
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council Website

Executive director:Cornelio Marchán
Work areas:Democracy: citizen participation / Integral development : Desarollo Social/ economic development ; Sosteinable development.

Email:fundació[email protected]
Address:Av. Colón #1346, mezzanine, of. 12, Casilla 17-07-9013 Quito, Ecuador
Phone:(593-2) 2520 001
Date of registry:November 4, 2004

Fundación Huancavilca

Executive director: Vivianne Almeida
Work areas:Democracy: Anticorruption / integral development: sosteinable development
Email:[email protected]
Address:Vía a las Esclusas Coop. El Pedregal, Mz. 2007 Sl. 3, Guasmo Norte, Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Phone:(593-4) 248 0003 / 0186/7/8/9  
Date of registry: March 14, 2001

Fundación Humanistas por la Paz
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council Website

President:Sara Roque Ocampo
Work areas:Democracy: Peace; conflict resolution / Integral development : Human development
Email:[email protected]
Address:Junín 203 y Panamá, Primer piso Oficina 9 Guayaquil, Ecuador
Phone:(593) 9 9422825
Date of registryNovember 4, 2004

Futuro Latinoamericano - Fundación Internacional para la Promoción del Desarrollo
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council Website

Executive president:Yolanda Kakabadse
Work areas:Integral development: sosteinable development /  Multidemensional Security: violence prevention
Email:[email protected]; [email protected]
Address:Mariano Echevarria 843 y Francisco Feijoo Casilla Postal 17-17-558 Quito, Ecuador
Phone:(593-2) 292-0635/6 - 246-5915 -225-7417
Date of registry:November 6, 2002

Organización Movimiento Ciudadano por la Democracia
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council Website

Executive director:María Luisa Mora
Work areas:Democracy: citizen participation ; Governance; Transparency
Email:[email protected]
Address:Aníbal Páez y Cap. Edmundo Chiriboga N47 154
Quito, Ecuador
Phone:(593 2) 244-4670
Date of registry:December 15, 2010

Asociación Silueta X
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

President:Carlos Alberto Verdesoto Anangonó
Work areas:Human rights: LGBTIQ+
Email:[email protected]
Address:General Córdoba 325 y Padre Aguirre Guayaquil, Guayas, Ecuador
Date of registry:May 25, 2018

Fundación Haciendo Ecuador
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

President:Luis Javier Gutiérrez Enríquez
Work areas:Democracy, transparency, Governance
Email:[email protected]
Address:Av. Gonzalez Suarez N31-91 y Gonnessiat
Date of registry:May 18, 2022

Fundación Servicios para un Desarrollo Alternativo del Sur (SENDAS)

President:María Isabel Cordero Pérez
Work areas:Womans rights  gender  equity ; inequality and social justice; environment
Email:[email protected]
Address: Calle Guayas 6-130 y Azuay, Cuenca, Ecuador
Date of registry:April 20, 2023