Civil Society Organizations Registered to the OAS
List of Registered Organizations
Organizations registered with the OAS
Acción Ciudadana
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

Executive director:Luis Fernando Velásquez Leal
Work Areas:Democracy: Anticorruption; Human rights / Integral development: Education; Sosteinable development
Email:[email protected]
Address:Av. La Reforma 12-01 zona 10, Edif. Reforma Montúfar, Nivel 17, Guatemala, Ciudad, C.A. 01010
Phone:(502) 331-7566 - (502) 331-7567
Date of registry:November 4, 2004

Alianza Joven ONG
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

Executive director:Vivien Rueda Calvet
Work areas:Multidimensional security, organized crime, integral development and employment
Email:[email protected]; [email protected]
Address:13 Calle 6-31 zone 9, Guatemala City, Guatemala
Phone:(502) 2334 2424 / 2334 1957
Date of registry:February 3, 2010

Asociación Familia, Desarrollo, Población (FADEP)
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council Website

Executive director:Beatriz Castillo de Cepollina
Work areas:Integral development : Family  Population
Email:[email protected]
Address:5 Ave, 5-55 zona 14 Europlaza World Business Center, Torre I, Nivel II Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Phone:+502 2386 8821
Date of registry:May 17, 2017

Asociación La Familia Importa
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council Website

President:Alexandra Sol de Skinner-Klée
Work Areas:Human rights: Pro-life;  defense of women; Family
Email:[email protected]; [email protected]
Address:2 Calle A, 6-25 Zona 10 Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Phone:+1 (502) 2267-1717
Date or registry:March 29, 2016

Asociación para el Estudio y Promoción de la Seguridad en Democracia
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

Executive director:Iduvina Estalinova Hernández Batres
Work areas:Democracy: Citizen participation/Transparency; Human rights: Gender/ indigenous populations / Multidimensional security: publlic security
Email:[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Address:5ª Calle 1-49, Zona 01 Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Phone:+ (502) 2220-4998 / 2251-0730
Date of registry:April 17, 2013

Asociación para la Eliminación de la Explotación Sexual, Pornografía, Turismo y Tráfico Sexual de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes en Guatemala
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

Director:María Eugenia Villareal
Work areas:Democracy: citizen participation / human rights: Gender ; youth  and childhood /  Multidimensional security : public security;  human traficking

Email:[email protected]
Address:11 avenida 10-67 zona 2. Ciudad Nueva Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Phone:(502) 2254 8698
Date of registryApril 17, 2013

Centro de Análisis Forense y Ciencias Aplicadas
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

President:José Rafael Herrarte Méndez
Work areas:Democracy / Human rights
Email:[email protected]
Address:1ª. Calle 7-45, zona 1 Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Phone:(502) 22545841 – 22894434 - 22543723
Date of registry:December 11, 2015

El Refugio de la Niñez
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

Executive director:Leonel Dubon Bendfelt
Work areas:Democracy; citizen participation / Human rights; youth and childhood /  Multidimensional security;  public security;  human traficking

Email:[email protected]; [email protected]
Address:3ª Avenida 3-27, zona 1 ciudad de Guatemala Guatemala, C.A., 01001
Phone:(502) 2253-7976 / 2230-3316
Date of registry:April 17, 2013

Fundación Propaz
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council Website

Executive director:Carlos Alberto Sarti Castañeda
Work areas:Democracy: Conflict resolution
Email:[email protected]
Address:12 Calle 6-55, Zona 10 Guatemala Guatemala
Phone:(502) 2360-0806
Date of registry:November 24, 2008

Instituto Centroamericano para los Estudios de la Democracia Social
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council Website

Executive director:Anabella Rivera
Work areas:Human rights: Discrimination; Gender; indigenous populations; youth and childhood / Democracy: citizen participation/ integral development: human development ; Education; Employment / Multidimensional security: public security
Email:[email protected]
Address:17 Avenida 19-37, Zona 10 Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Phone:+ (502) 2367-1859
Date of registry:November 21, 2013

Instituto de Enseñanza para el Desarrollo Sostenible
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

Executive director:Carmen Rosa de León-Escribano Schlotter
Work areas:Integral development : sosteinable development /  Multidimensional security: Prevention of violence
Email:[email protected]
Address:21 calle 5-52 zona 14, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Phone:(502) 2367-0286
Date of registry:April 23, 2014

Instituto de Protección Social
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

Executive director:Vivian Jeannette
Work areas:Democracy: citizen participation / human rights: Gender; youth y childhood; Access to justice; Discrimination; Migrants; Refugies 

Email:[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Address:10a calle 9-68 zona 1, Edificio Rosanca, Oficina 415 Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Phone:+ (502) 2253 2417
Date of registry:January 16, 2013

Movimiento Social por los Derechos de la Niñez, Adolescencia y Juventud en Guatemala
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

Executive director:Joseph Cerubin Vásquez Morales
Work areas:Human rights: youthj and childhood
Email:[email protected]
Address:8ª Avenida, No. 12-29, Zona 1, Tercer Nivel Edificio Espinoza Guatemala City, Guatemala
Phone:(502) 5802 0988
Date of registry:April 5, 2006

Organización Trans Reinas de la Noche
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council Website

President:Noe Velasquez Vasquez
Work areas:Human rights: LGBTIQ+, access to health for trans people 
Email:[email protected]
Address:3ª. Avenida 10-18 zona 1, Ciudad de Guatemala
Phone:+502 2251.0685
Date of registry:May 25, 2018

Asociación Ciudades Seguras

President:Salvador Jose Paiz del Carmen
Work areas:Human rights, institutional strengthening, security, citizen participation, information

Email:[email protected]
Phone:(502) 2233-0295
Address:Diagonal 6, 12-42 Zona 10, Edificio Design Center, Torre 2, Oficina 601, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala.
Date of registry:March 20, 2019

Comité Pro Ciegos y Sordos de Guatemala
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council Website

President:María de los Ángeles Soberanis Aguirre de Rueda
Work areas:Social inclusion and education
Email:informació[email protected]
Address:9 Calle 3-07, Zona 1, Guatemala Capital
Phone:+ 502 - 2382-1800
Date of registry:March 20, 2019

Movimiento Nacional por la Integridad – Guatemala Visible

President:Salvador Jose Paiz del Carmen
Work areas:Human rights, citizen participation, institutional strengthening  political incidence

Email:[email protected]; [email protected]

Address:Diagonal 6, 12-14, Zona 20, Edificio Design Center, Torre 2, Oficina 601, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Phone:(502) 2233-0295
Date of registryMarch 20, 2019

Asociación Lambda Guatemala
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

Director:Carlos Roberto Valdés Barrios
Work areas:Derechos humanos: LGBTIQ+
Email:[email protected]
Address:Avenida Centroamérica 14-30 zona 1, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Phone:502 22519216
Date of registry:October 20, 2021