Civil Society Organizations Registered to the OAS
List of Registered Organizations
Organizations registered with the OAS
Association Femmes Soleil D'Haiti
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

Executive Director :Eugene Elvire 
Work Areas:Human Rights, gender and afrodescendants
Correo:[email protected]; [email protected];
Address:145, Rue 21 J-K
Cap-Haitien, Haiti
Telephone:(509) 262-2558 / (509) 557-4626
Fax:(509) 262-3535
Date of registry:May 25, 2006

Centre d’analyse et de recherche en droits de l´homme
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

Executive Director:Jean Gédéon
Work Areas:Human Rights and Democracy
Email:[email protected]
Address:53, Ave. Christophe
Puerto Príncipe, Haití
Telephone:509 281 179 44 / 361 069 09
Date of registry:December 11, 2015

Fondation Mains Ouvertes
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

President:Daniel Turiel
Work Areas:Democracy: Peace/ Human Rights: Gender/ Integral Development: Health, Human development, employment, sustainable development
Email:[email protected]; [email protected]
Address57, Rue Charlemagne Peralte (Village Creole)
Hinche, Haiti
Telephone:(509) 34944184 / (509) 37524790 / (509) 22779633
Date of registry:December 15, 2010