Civil Society Organizations Registered to the OAS
List of Registered Organizations
Organizations registered with the OAS
Aireana Grupo por los Derechos de las Lesbianas
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council Website

President:Judith Grenno
Work Areas:Human rights: Sexual rights; Reproductive rights; Discrimination ; Gender / Democracy: Access to Justice; citizen participation
Email:[email protected]; [email protected]
Address:Eligio Ayala 907 c/ Tacuary Asunción, Paraguay
Phone:(595) 21 447976
Date of registry:April 20, 2011

Asociación Kuña Roga
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

President:María Teresa Ocampos
Work areas:Democracy / Integral development : Social inclusion
Email:[email protected]
Address:Barrio Quiteria, los Cedros esquina calle 6 Encarnación, Paraguay
Phone:(+595) 71207121; (+595) 995360576
Date of registry:December 11, 2015

Asociación Mujeres Trabajadoras Sexuales del Paraguay “Unidas en la Esperanza” (UNES)
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

President:Maria Lucia Esquivel
Work Areas:Human rights
Email:[email protected]; [email protected]
Phone:(+595) 2144-6116
Address:Tacuarí 348, Asunción, Paraguay
Date of registry:November 12, 2014

Centro de Estudios Ambientales y Sociales
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

Executive director:María Ofelia Yegros
Work areas:Integral development :  Social Development ; Sosteinable Development
Email:[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Address:Dr. Morra Nº470 entre Moisés Bertoni y Del Maestro 1º piso – Asunción, Paraguay
Phone:(+595 21) 608 626 / (+595 21) 607 592
Date of registry: December 15, 2010

Foro de Mujeres MERCOSUR, Capítulo Paraguay
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

President: Amalia N Mattio de Mascías
Work Areas:Democracy: Anticorruption / Human rights: Gender / Multidimensional security: Human traficking
Email / Phone[email protected]// 595 (21) 217-2048
Address:Av. España 625 – Edif. San Quirico, sala 11 Asunción, Paraguay
Date of registry: January 9, 2007

Grupo Tradicional San Baltazar de Kamba Cua
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

Legal representative Silvia E. Díaz de Moore
Work Areas:Integral development: Culture; Afro-descendants; Childhood; Older adults
Email:[email protected]
Address:Cruzada de la Amistad c/Ycua Mandiyu Barrio Lomas Campamento – Kamba Cua Fernando de la Mora Norte - Paraguay
Phone:(+595) 982 665 007 (+595) 981 900 584
Date of registry:December 11, 215

Instituto de Derecho y Economía Ambiental
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

Executive director:Sheila Abed de Zavala
Work areas:
Email:[email protected]
Phone:(595-21) 662 543 // 614 620
Address:Nicanor Torales 150 Asunción, Paraguay
Date of registry:April 27, 2005

Organización Semillas para la Democracia
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council Website

Executive director:Marta Ferrara
Work Areas:Democracy: citizen participation; Integral development;  Social development ; indigenous people ; gender
Email:[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Address:Estados Unidos 1461, e/ 2ª y 3ª, Asunción, Paraguay
Date of registry:November 24, 2008

Red Paraguaya de Afrodescendientes
Application for registration approved by the Permanent Council

Legal representative:José C. Medina
Work Areas:Human Rights: Afro-descendants; Discrimination
Email:[email protected]; [email protected]
Address:1er callejón c/cruzada de la Amistad – Planta Alta de la Escuela San Baltasar, Fernando de la Mora Paraguay
Phone:(595) 21 65 22 71
Date of registry:November 15, 2011

Asociación Tecnológica, Educación, Desarrollo, Investigación y Comunicación (TEDIC)

Executive director:Maricarmen Sequera
Work areas:
Email:[email protected]
Address:15 de Agosto 823, Asunción, Paraguay
Date of registry: March 20, 2019