Jorge Durán

Mona Swoboda
The Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) is the only permanent forum that brings together the National Port Authorities of the OAS’s 34 Member Countries and leaders of the maritime-port industry to promote the development of a secure, competitive, sustainable, and inclusive sector.

The CIP works under four mandates and six priority areas, constantly monitoring the gaps in a continuously changing maritime and port sector to bring concrete results to regional matters and challenges. CIP Mandates are:

1. Policy dialogue;

2. Capacity building;

3. Technical assistance; and

4. Cooperation with the private sector.

    CIP’s six priority areas according to the Plan of Action of Roatan 2023-2026 (CIDI/CIP/doc. 5/23 rev.1), represented through Technical Advisory Groups (TAG), each chaired by a National Port Authority, are:

    1. Logistics, Innovation, and Competitiveness: Mexican Secretariat of the Navy

    2. Port Protection and Security: Barbados Port Inc.

    3. Sustainable Port Management and Environmental Protection: National Port Authority of Peru

    4. Public Policy, Legislation and Regulation: National Port Commission of Guatemala

    5. Waterways, Inland and Cruise Ports: General Ports Administration of Argentina

    6. Port-City Relation, Social Responsibility and Gender Equality: Panama Maritime Authority

    In addition to the above, the CIP has four programs aligned to its mandates:

    1. Ministerial and High Authorities Port Policy Dialogue Process
    2. Port Scholarship and Training Program of the CIP Secretariat
    3. Technical Assistance to National Port Authorities
    4. Knowledge Transfer for Strengthening Technical Capabilities in the Port Sector of the Americas

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