All Department of Human Development, Education and Employment Publications
June, 2024
Digital Education in the Americas: Best Practices to inspire
June, 2024
Post-pandemic educational reconstruction and the use of technologies in the progressive return to face-to-face classes
June, 2024
Civil Society Organizations and their contributions to educational continuity in a pandemic scenario.
The title in white font over an orange background, logo OAS SEDI
April, 2024
Securing Sustainable, Inclusive and Equitable Development Cooperation in the Americas.
February, 2024
SEDI's Annual Report to the Inter-American Council for Integral development (CIDI)
SEDI's Highlights, Programs and Results for 2023
April, 2023
Digital Education in the Americas: Best Practices to inspire
November, 2022
Post-pandem ic educational reconstruction and the use of technologies in the progressive return to face-to-face classes
December, 2021
Las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil y sus aportes a la continuidad educativa en escenario de pandemia
Pictures of Ministries of Labor and people working.
January, 2021
The Institutionalization of a Gender Approach in the Ministries of Labor of the Americas: Balance of a Decade
Examining changes in the institutionalization and mainstreaming of a gender approach in the Ministries of Labor
Photo of two younf people looking at an ipad, another photo of a young health worker auscultating a toddler
January, 2017
The Coordination between Education and Labor in the Americas: Results of the Inter-Sectoral Workshop on Youth Employment
Up-to-date information, conceptual notes, national experience and policy recommendations to improve the link between the world of education and the world of work.
Man with jeans, boots, a long black jacket and a hat, walking in a desolate route.
January, 2015
Analysis of Bilateral and Multilateral Social Security Agreements as they relate to Pensions
Updated outlook on these agreements and their operation, and recommendations for a future potential Inter-American Agreement on the issue.
Photos of Ministries of Labor and people working
December, 2013
Advancing the institutionalization of a gender approach in the Ministries of Labor of the Americas
Lessons learned, findings and recommendations from three Participatory Gender Audits: Barbados, El Salvador and Peru.
Ministries of Labor and people working
January, 2010
The Institutionalization of a Gender Approach in the Ministries of Labor of the Americas
Comprehensive review of gender-related institutions in the Ministries of Labor and training proposal for strengthening them
Blue cover, woman sitting behind a desk, OAS logo, title of the book.
December, 2007
Gender equality for decent work
Proposals for mainstreaming gender into labor and employment policies within the framework of the IACML