All Department for Effective Public Management Publications
Cover with OAS logo and title.
December, 2016
MECIGEP Thematic Report 3: Promoting Integrity of Public Servants in their Relationship with Citizens
This report is available in Spanish only
OAS logo, flag of Mexico, title of report
December, 2016
MECIGEP Report on Mexico: Integrity of Public Servants in the Performance of their Duties
This report is available in Spanish only
Cover with photo of a city
January, 2016
Implementing Sustainable Public Procurement in Latin America and the Caribbean
Tool for the Implementation of Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)
Cover, OAS logo, Canadian flag as donor, title of the publication.
December, 2015
MECIGEP Report on Saint Lucia: Open Government and Open Data Initiatives
This report is available in English only
December, 2015
MECIGEP Report on Peru: Policies on Transparency Portals and Open Data
This report is available in Spanish only
Green city with buildings and trees, with icons of people working in various trades.
January, 2015
Towards a greener and more competitive SME: Public procurement as a driver of sustainable development
This report is available in Spanish only
Cover, a city in blue with buildings, trees, wind turbines, and a series of icons such as a light bulb, recycling, growth
January, 2015
Measuring the Impact and Progress of Sustainable Public Procurement in Latin America and the Caribbean
Available only in Spanish
OAS logo, flag of Dominican Republic, title of report, logo of Canada as donor
December, 2014
MECIGEP Report on the Dominican Republic: Public Services Management Conceptual Model
OAS logo, flag of Paraguay, title of report, logo of Canada as donor
December, 2014
MECIGEP Report on Paraguay: Collective Labor Relations and Salary Policies
July, 2014
TD 04 - Límites y potencialidades de los Indicadores Globales de Gobernanza del Banco Mundial: una mirada crítica desde América Latina
Silverio Zebral Filho
Cover in magenta, title in English
January, 2014
MECIGEP Thematic Report 2: Public Policy Observatories in the Americas
January, 2013
Evaluation of the impact and benefits of reforms in public procurement systems in Latin America and the Caribbean
This report is available in Spanish only
Man with small child shows birth certificate. On his side a woman holds a baby in her arms.
January, 2013
Methodology for the installation of hospital registration systems
This report is available in Spanish only
Cover of the report, map of the Americas, title, OAS logo, 5 small pictures
December, 2012
MECIGEP Thematic Report 1: Innovative Experiences in Effective Public Management and Regional Cooperation Strategies
This report is available in Spanish only
August, 2011
TD 03 - Macroeconomía del “Vivir Bien’’: Análisis de Coyuntura y Aplicación del "Growth Diagnosis Approach" al Nuevo Modelo de Organización Estratégica del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia
Silverio Zebral Filho y Laura Roche Villareal
July, 2011
TD 02 - Instituciones políticas y dinámica electoral en Brasil: mercado político, campaña, conductas y desempeño electoral
Silverio Zebral Filho