Anna Paula Uchoa

The Section for the Prevention of Violence of the Department of Public Security supports OAS member states in the design and implementation of programs, plans, projects, public policies, and other initiatives to strengthen institutional and human capacities to prevent and reduce violence, crime, and insecurity, as well as to assist victims and survivors in their comprehensive reintegration.

The Section for the Prevention of Violence works in the prevention of violence at its three levels.

It focuses its activities on vulnerable population groups, including interpersonal violence, domestic violence, youth violence, trafficking in persons, migrant smuggling, armed violence, gender-based violence and homicidal violence.

It develops models and interventions for the prevention of violence, at all levels, strengthening intersectoral articulation, community empowerment and youth protagonism, with a human rights and gender perspective.

It manages the Inter-American Network and the Program for the Prevention of Violence and Crime, as mechanisms to facilitate interaction and cooperation among the different sectors, in order to expand knowledge and promote the development of more efficient and effective policies, programs, and initiatives to prevent violence and crime in the hemisphere.

In coordination with the Department Against Transnational Organized Crime (DTOC), serves as the technical area of the DPS responsible for the coordination of the Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in Persons.

In coordination with the Security and Justice Section and DTOC, it supports member states in the design, implementation, and management of policies, projects, programs, and other initiatives with the aim of contributing to a multisectoral and personal approach to the process of investigating and prosecuting trafficking in persons, to prevent revictimization and reduce the trauma suffered by victims.

The office works under the Department of Public Security.

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Highlighted Projects, Programs and Initiatives
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Highlighted Publications
Cover of Trafficking in Persons: Coordinated local response for efficient and quality assistance and protection of victims
January, 2019
Trafficking in Persons: Coordinated local response for efficient and quality assistance and protection of victims (Available in Spanish only)
Cover of Catalogue of institutions with services available for victims of human trafficking in Honduras
January, 2019
Catalogue of institutions with services available for victims of human trafficking in Honduras (Available in Spanish only)
Cover of Roadmap for the identification, assistance, and protection of victims of human trafficking in Honduras
January, 2019
Roadmap for the identification, assistance, and protection of victims of human trafficking in Honduras (Available in Spanish only)