All Department against Transnational Organized Crime Publications
March, 2024
Guide for the investigation and litigation of crimes of Human Trafficking and Illicit Smuggling of Migrants linked to Transnational Organized Crime: Panama
Available only in Spanish
March, 2024
Manual of International Legal Cooperation in Human Trafficking and Illegal Smuggling of Migrants: Panama
Available only in Spanish
March, 2024
Risk Assessment of Money Laundering and Financing of Illicit Activities in Suriname’s Banking Sector: Summary
Only available in English and Dutch. For Dutch, please click on the link for "Spanish"
March, 2024
Practical guide for inter-institutional coordination and proactive investigations of Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling: Colombia
Available only in Spanish
February, 2024
Manual on International Legal Cooperation to Counter Organized Crime
December, 2023
Manual On International Legal Cooperation In Human Trafficking And Illegal Trafficking Of Migrants
Available only in Spanish
December, 2023
Manual on International Legal Cooperation on Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants: Colombia
Available only in Spanish
Cover with OAS logo
March, 2023
On the trail of illicit gold proceeds: strengthening the fight against illegal mining finances: Suriname
Only available in English and Dutch. For Dutch, please click on the link for "Spanish"
Cover with OAS logo
April, 2022
Risk Analysis of Money Laundering in the Microfinance Sector
Cover with OAS logo
February, 2022
On the trail of illicit gold proceeds: strengthening the fight against illegal mining finances: Colombia
Cover with OAS logo
January, 2022
Typologies and red flags associated to money laundering from illegal mining in Latin America and the Caribbean
Cover with OAS logo
December, 2021
On the trail of illicit gold proceeds: strengthening the fight against illegal mining finances: Ecuador
Cover with OAS logo
November, 2021
On the trail of illicit gold proceeds: strengthening the fight against illegal mining finances; Peru
Cover with OAS logo
December, 2020
Typologies of Money Laundering
Cover with OAS logo
December, 2019
Guía Práctica de Técnicas Especiales de Investigación en Casos de Delincuencia Organizada Transnacional
Cover with OAS logo
September, 2018
Combate al Lavado de Activos desde el Sistema Judicial (Quinta Edición)