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Ronald Sheman

First Name:Ronald
Last Name:Sheman
Nacionality:United States of America
Deceased Date:4/1/2013
Worked in the Following Departments:

Mr. L. Ronald Scheman served the Organization of American States (OAS) for many years with commitment and dedication from various positions.

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Theo T. Crevenna

First Name:Theo R.
Last Name:Crevenna
Nacionality:United States of America
Deceased Date:6/24/2013
Worked in the Following Departments:

Mr. Crevenna served the Organization of American States (OAS) on various positions from 1946 until 1978 with commitment and dedication.

Mr. Crevenna was the second President of the OAS Staff Association. He contributed to the writing the By-Laws of the Staff Association, which were approved by the OAS General Assembly.

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Raul Conde

First Name:Raul
Last Name:Conde
Deceased Date:6/11/2013
Worked in the Following Departments:

Raul served the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS) on various positions from 1954 until 1987 with commitment and dedication.

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David Black

First Name:David
Last Name:Black
Nacionality:United States of America
Deceased Date:6/12/2013
Worked in the Following Departments:

David served the Organization of American States (OAS) on various positions from 1980 until 1998 with commitment and dedication.

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Mario Martinez y Palacios

First Name:Mario
Last Name:Martinez y Palacios
Deceased Date:2/25/2013
Worked in the Following Departments:

Mario Martinez y Palacios served the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS) from 1980 until 2011 with commitment and dedication. He started as a Radio Operator and Announcer of the Program “La Voz de la OEA”. In 1990, he was appointed Radio Engineer and Announcer, in the Department of Public Information. In 1991, he was appointed Senior Information Officer of the Radio and Television Unit until June 2011. Consecutively, he was appointed Chief of the Multimedia Section until his retirement in December 2011.

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Arthur Heyman

First Name:Arthur
Last Name:Heyman
Nacionality:United States of America
Deceased Date:2/11/2013
Worked in the Following Departments:

Mr. Heyman joined the Organization of American States (OAS) in 1967, and worked with commitment and dedication for 27 years as Senior Specialist in the Department of Regional Development, Secretariat for Economic and Social Affairs. Arthur retired from the OAS on October 31, 1994.

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Joan H. Irañeta

First Name:Joan H.
Last Name:Irañeta
Nacionality:United States of America
Deceased Date:2/2/2013
Worked in the Following Departments:

Mrs. Irañeta served the Organization of American States (OAS) with commitment and dedication for 38 years. 1959, She started as Secretarial Assistant in the Office of the Director at the Office of Council and Conference Secretariat Services. 1961 She was Special Assistant at the Inter-American Peace Committee, Department of Legal Affairs. 1966, She was Administrative Secretary at the Department of Legal Affairs. 1975 She was Administrative Officer of the Office of the Secretary General and Assistant Secretary General. 1976 She was the

Executive Assistant of the Assistant Secretary General. 1980 She was the Principal Specialist of the Advisory Group Office in the Office of the Secretary General. In 1991 She was promoted to Advisor/Assistant in the Office of the Secretary General, a post she held until her retirement on June 30, 1997.

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Pedro Cabrera

First Name:Pedro
Last Name:Cabrera
Deceased Date:1/18/2013
Worked in the Following Departments:

He worked in the Department of General Services for 32 years, from 1978 to 2010. His last position was as Shipping Technician until his retirement in July 2010.

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Salvador Antonio Santos

First Name:Salvador Antonio
Last Name:Santos
Deceased Date:1/30/2013
Worked in the Following Departments:

Mr. Salvador Antonio Santos, was the husband of our dear colleague Rosario Santos.

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George Grossmann

First Name:George
Last Name:Grossmann
Deceased Date:3/9/2013
Worked in the Following Departments:

George served the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS) in the Columbus Memorial Library; he was the founder of the Legal Library. Also, he worked in the Executive Secretariat of Legal Services and in the Secretariat to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights for many years. He retired in 1989.

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