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Mauricio Granillo Barrera

First Name:Mauricio
Last Name:Granillo Barrera
Deceased Date:2/18/2023
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Daisy Carmelino

First Name:Daisy
Last Name:Carmelino
Deceased Date:12/22/2022
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Ronald L. Hall

First Name:Ronald L.
Last Name:Hall
Deceased Date:12/3/2022
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Tomas Rosenborg

First Name:Tomas
Last Name:Rosenborg
Deceased Date:12/2/2022
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Maximo Alejandro Garcia

First Name:Maximo Alejandro
Last Name:Garcia
Deceased Date:10/9/2022
Worked in the Following Departments:

Max worked at the Organization of American States (OAS) for 25 years (1968-1993), where he served in the Department of Financial Services

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Luisa Talledo Ibarra

First Name:Luisa
Last Name:Talledo Ibarra
Deceased Date:10/10/2022
Worked in the Following Departments:

Luisa joined the Organization of American States (OAS) in 1962, and worked at the Department of Educational Affairs until her retirement in 1992

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John Roger Lindsey

First Name:John Roger
Last Name:Lindsay
Deceased Date:10/18/2022
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Cristina Olave Galdames

First Name:Cristina
Last Name:Olave Galdames
Deceased Date:9/21/2022
Worked in the Following Departments:

Cristina joined the Organization of American States (OAS) in 1968 and worked in the Secretariat for Legal Affairs until her retirement on December 31, 2005.

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Ines G. Chamorro

First Name:Ines G.
Last Name:Chamorro
Deceased Date:9/3/2022
Worked in the Following Departments:

Ines was with the Organization of American States (OAS) for 27 years (1962-1989).

She worked in the Department of Cultural Affairs as Principal Specialist in the Music Division, and later served as Chief of the Divisions of Art and Folklore, and of Cultural Patrimony.

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Segundo Sandoval

First Name:Segundo
Last Name:Sandoval
Deceased Date:8/18/2022
Worked in the Following Departments:

Segundo served the Organization of American States (OAS) for 18 years, from 1975 to 1993. He worked in the Office of Conference and Meetings.

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