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Teresa Moreno

First Name:Teresa
Last Name:Moreno
Deceased Date:8/10/2010
Worked in the Following Departments:

Teresa trabajó por más de dos décadas en La Junta Interamericana de Defensa, oficina de Protocolo, hasta su jubilación en 1989.

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Christian Garcia Godoy

First Name:Christian
Last Name:Garcia Godoy
Deceased Date:3/8/2011
Worked in the Following Departments:

Christian trabajó en la OEA por varias décadas con compromiso y dedicación. Trabajó en la que fue Oficina de Contrataciones, en el Departamento de Programa-Presupuesto y en la Subsecretaría de Asuntos Jurídicos hasta su retiro de la organización

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Jorge Arellano

First Name:Jorge
Last Name:Arellano
Deceased Date:1/6/2011
Worked in the Following Departments:

Jorge trabajó en la OEA por varias décadas con compromiso y dedicación. Trabajó en el Departamento de Servicios Financieros y sirvió como Director en las Oficinas Nacionales de Costa Rica, Paraguay y Nicaragua hasta su retiro de la Organización.

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Virginia Garner-Thompson Saravia

First Name:Virginia
Last Name:Garner-Thompson Saravia
Deceased Date:12/23/2010
Worked in the Following Departments:

Virginia G.T. Saravia was the beloved wife of our dear colleague René Saravia

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Elidora Peralta de Alfaro

First Name:Elidora
Last Name:Peralta de Alfaro
Deceased Date:9/24/2010
Worked in the Following Departments:

Mrs. Alfaro was the mother of our dear colleague Teresita Wallace.

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Anibal Cortina

First Name:Anibal
Last Name:Cortina
Deceased Date:10/9/2010
Worked in the Following Departments:

He worked in various positions at the Organization of American States, mainly in the area of Technical Cooperation and Fellowships. Mr. Cortina was also active in staff matters and was President of the Staff Association. He also served in the Board of Directors of AROAS.

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Alicia Soler

First Name:Alicia
Last Name:Soler
Deceased Date:10/24/2010
Worked in the Following Departments:

Alicia started working at our Credit Union in November1967 as the second paid staff person, a few months after arriving from Cuba with her parents and her sister.

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Zoltan Szabo

First Name:Zoltan
Last Name:Szabo
Deceased Date:10/19/2010
Worked in the Following Departments:

Mr. Szabo served the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States from 1969 until 1989. He started as a Senior Economist at the Department of Economic Affairs until 1974. In addition, in 1975 Mr. Szabo was appointed as Unit Chief at the Unit of Industrial Development until 1978. Subsequently, in 1979 he was appointed as Principal Specialist at the Department of Scientific and Technology Affairs until 1989.

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Elbio Ramon Arias Bellini

First Name:Elbio Ramon
Last Name:Arias Bellini
Deceased Date:9/29/2010
Worked in the Following Departments:

He began work at the OAS at the Inter-American Children Institute in Uruguay, then in the Department of Financial Services in Washington, D.C. and, the OAS National Office in Costa Rica until his retirement.

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James Richard Corner

First Name:James Richard
Last Name:Corner
Nacionality:United States of America
Deceased Date:9/11/2010
Worked in the Following Departments:

James Richard Conner was the husband our dear colleague, Lily Conner.

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