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Antonio Valera

First Name:Antonio
Last Name:Valera
Nacionality:United States of America
Deceased Date:3/30/2010
Worked in the Following Departments:

AROAS) lamenta informar el sensible fallecimiento de nuestro querido colega Antonio Valera el martes 30 de marzo de 2010 en Vienna, Virginia. Antonio trabajó en la Organización de los Estados Americanos por 25 años con compromiso y dedicación, desde el año 1970 hasta el 1995. Los últimos 7 años ocupó el cargo de Técnico Administrativo en la Secretaría Ejecutiva de Asuntos Económicos y Sociales.

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Gerald (Jerry) Kasperbauer

First Name:Gerald
Last Name:Kasperbauer
Nacionality:United States of America
Deceased Date:3/24/2010
Worked in the Following Departments:

Mr. Kasperbauer was the husband of our dear colleague Norma Kasperbauer (ex Kraus).

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Julia Isabel Gordillo de Martinez

First Name:Julia Isabel
Last Name:Gordillo de Martinez
Nacionality:United States of America
Deceased Date:1/1/2010
Worked in the Following Departments:

La señora Gordillo de Martínez fue devota madre de su único hijo, nuestro querido colega Colín Martínez.

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Pilar Baptista

First Name:Pilar
Last Name:Baptista
Deceased Date:3/17/2010
Worked in the Following Departments:

Pilar served the Organization of American States for more than 10 years with commitment and dedication in the Department of Technical Cooperation.

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Doris Nahm

First Name:Doris
Last Name:Nahm
Deceased Date:1/31/2010
Worked in the Following Departments:

Doris Nahm worked in the General Secretariat at the Protocol Office.

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Jorge Sakamoto

First Name:Jorge
Last Name:Sakamoto
Deceased Date:3/7/2010
Worked in the Following Departments:

Jorge Sakamoto served the OAS as an economist for more than 25 years, with commitment and dedication to the Organization and its principles.

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Antonio Machicado

First Name:Antonio
Last Name:Machicado
Deceased Date:2/20/2010
Worked in the Following Departments:

Antonio trabajó en la Organización de los Estados Americanos por más de 24 años con compromiso y dedicación. Trabajó en la OEA desde el año 1985 hasta el 17 de febrero 2010.

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Robert Bazile

First Name:Robert
Last Name:Bazile
Deceased Date:10/25/2009
Worked in the Following Departments:

Mr. Bazile worked at the General Secretariat of the OAS as Statistician from 1962 to 1983 when he retired.

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Ken Eybers

First Name:Ken
Last Name:Eybers
Nacionality:United States of America
Deceased Date:9/21/2009
Worked in the Following Departments:

Ken worked for many years as Chief of the Printing Unit in the Department of Documents and Languages Services.

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Jose Maria Guerricagoitia

First Name:Jose Maria
Last Name:Guerricagoitia
Deceased Date:11/17/2009
Worked in the Following Departments:

Esposo de nuestra colega Gladys Guerricagoitia

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