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Maria Long Sejas

First Name:Maria
Last Name:Long Sejas
Deceased Date:2/18/2009
Worked in the Following Departments:

Mary L. Sejas era esposa de nuestro querido colega Oscar Sejas.

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William Bickerdyke

First Name:William
Last Name:Bickerdyke
Nacionality:United States of America
Deceased Date:1/19/2009
Worked in the Following Departments:

Mr. Bickerdyke served the Organization of American States for several decades with commitment and dedication to the Organization and its principles. He started in 1961 as Supervisor of the Department of Economic Affairs until 1966. Subsequently, he worked as Assistant in the Auxiliary Research Unit of the Department of Economic Affairs until 1976. He was appointed as Specialist of International Trade from 1977 until 1979. In 1980, he worked as Specialist of the International Trade Program, until 1981. He participated very actively and provided technical support to the Special Committee on Consultation and Negotiation (CECON), which dealt with trade issues between the United States and the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Subsequently, he served as Senior Economist at the Department of Economic & Social Affairs until 1988 and then at the Office of the Executive Secretariat for Economic and Social Affairs until his retirement in 1992.

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Valencia Aponte

First Name:Valencia
Last Name:Aponte
Deceased Date:10/22/2008
Worked in the Following Departments:

Mrs. Valencia Aponte was the mother of our dear colleague Gladys B. Aleman.

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Leopoldo Pomier (Polo)

First Name:Leopoldo (Polo)
Last Name:Pomier
Deceased Date:12/29/2008
Worked in the Following Departments:

Leopoldo (Polo) served the Organization of American States for thirty years with commitment and dedication at the Printing Unit of the Office of Conferences and Meetings until he retired on June 30, 2005.

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Maria L. Cabrera

First Name:Maria L.
Last Name:Cabrera
Nacionality:United States of America
Deceased Date:1/2/2009
Worked in the Following Departments:

María trabajó en la Organización de los Estados Americanos por varias décadas con compromiso y dedicación a la Organización en el Departamento de Conferencias y Reuniones, Unidad de Documentos e Imprenta, hasta su jubilación en el año 1978.

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Gabriel Gualteros

First Name:Gabriel
Last Name:Gualteros
Deceased Date:1/1/2009
Worked in the Following Departments:

Gabriel served the Organization of American States for many years at the Unit of Documents, Office of Conference and Meetings as a Supervisor, later under performance contract, he worked in the Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation, as an Electoral Observer.

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Jose Hipolito Gonzalez

First Name:Jose Hipolito
Last Name:Gonzalez
Deceased Date:6/28/2008
Worked in the Following Departments:

Entró a trabajar en la OEA como especialista del Proyecto Multinacional de Tecnología Educativa y luego se desempeñó como Subdirector Auxiliar del Departamento de Asuntos Educativos. Se destacó por su extraordinaria labor en el reordenamiento del Programa Regional de Desarrollo Educativo (PREDE) y en la conducción de la programación de la cooperación técnica de dicho programa.

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Luz E. Pintado

First Name:Luz E.
Last Name:Pintado
Nacionality:United States of America
Deceased Date:9/10/2008
Worked in the Following Departments:

Mrs. Luz E. Pintado was the mother of our dear colleague Gladys Fonseca.

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Jose Felix Palma

First Name:Jose Felix
Last Name:Palma
Deceased Date:9/16/2008
Worked in the Following Departments:

He started in 1965 as Assistant of the Department of Information and Public Affairs at the Office of the OAS in Peru. Subsequently, he was appointed Deputy Director of the aforementioned Office until 1974. Furthermore, Dr. Palma was appointed as Director of the Office of the OAS in Paraguay until 1978. In 1979, he was the Chief of the Geographical Unit III of the Office of the Coordination and Support of the Offices away from Headquarters, until 1984 in Washington, D.C. Finally, he served as Director of the Office of the OAS in the following Member States: Mexico (1985-1993), Colombia (1994-1998), Guatemala (1999-2004), and in Honduras from 2004 until his retirement on June 30, 2008.

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Sergio Pinto Iglesias

First Name:Sergio
Last Name:Pinto Iglesias
Deceased Date:7/30/2008
Worked in the Following Departments:

Sergio served the Organization of American States for several decades with committed dedication in the “Centro Interamericano de Enseñanza de Estadística” (CIENES) Santiago, Chile, under the Secretariat for Economic and Social Affairs.

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