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Isabel Zambrano

First Name:Isabel
Last Name:Zambrano
Deceased Date:8/16/2005
Worked in the Following Departments:

Hermana de Rosa Maria Lewis

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Carlos A. Matus

First Name:Carlos A.
Last Name:Matus
Deceased Date:7/16/2005
Worked in the Following Departments:

He worked for the Organization of American States from 1970 to 1989 (early retirement) in the Department of Material Resources.

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Lydia Evans

First Name:Lydia
Last Name:Evans
Nacionality:United States of America
Deceased Date:7/19/2005
Worked in the Following Departments:

Prestó servicios a la OEA desde febrero 19, 1951 hasta el 30 de junio 1976.

Trabajó en el Departamento de Información Pública.

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Bertha Larrosa

First Name:Bertha
Last Name:Larrosa
Deceased Date:9/4/2004
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Alberto Ruiz Martinez

First Name:Alberto
Last Name:Ruiz Martinez
Deceased Date:4/10/2005
Worked in the Following Departments:

Fue funcionario en el Departamento de Asuntos Educativos de la Secretaría General desde el primero de marzo de 1963 al 31 de octubre de 1973.

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Alberto Salem

First Name:Alberto
Last Name:Salem
Deceased Date:5/18/2005
Worked in the Following Departments:

Mr. Salem was Chief of Staff under Secretary General Alejandro Orfila, Director of the Department of Personnel, and Director of the OAS Office in Uruguay.

In 1983, he was awarded the Leo S. Rowe Award in recognition of his humanitarianism and valor in securing the release of the hostages being held at the OAS Office in El Salvador.

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Beryl Frank

First Name:Beryl
Last Name:Frank
Nacionality:United States of America
Deceased Date:5/1/2005
Worked in the Following Departments:

Beryl joined the General Secretariat on September 10, 1951, and retired on December 31, 1982.

He worked in the Department of Social Affairs and was a former President and founding member of AROAS.

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Oscar Bedini

First Name:Oscar
Last Name:Bedini
Deceased Date:3/21/2005
Worked in the Following Departments:

Osvaldo worked for the Organization from June 1962 to March 1989. Osvaldo’s early career with the Organization was with the Inter-American Urban and Regional Planning Program (PIAPUR) in Lima and the Inter-American Housing Center (CINVA) in Bogotá. At headquarters, his career was a varied one that included serving as Deputy Director of the then Department of Urban and Rural Integration and Chief of the Division of Social Affairs.

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Pedro Irañeta

First Name:Pedro
Last Name:Irañeta
Deceased Date:1/3/2005
Worked in the Following Departments:

Husband of Joan Hetzel Irañeta, a long-time OAS staff member.

Pedro was himself a former staff member of the Organization, working for the Economics Division between

1948 and 1952, where he became chief from 1959 to 1960.

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Dolores Rivera

First Name:Dolores
Last Name:Rivera
Nacionality:United States of America
Deceased Date:3/13/2015
Worked in the Following Departments:

Dolores worked at the Inter-American Defense Board for two different periods: from 1945 to 1951 and then from 1959 to 1978. For a number of years and up to the time of her retirement, Dolores was Executive Secretary of the

Board’s Conferences and Documents office.

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