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Maria Veronica Gandarillas de Mason

Nombre:Maria Veronica
Apellido:Gandarillas de Mason
Fecha de fallecimiento:13/03/2018
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Maria Veronica was the wife, for 48 years, of our dear colleague Orlando Mason. Orlando worked for 32 years at the Organization of American States as Principal Specialist in the Department of Scientific Affairs and other areas of cooperation and for development.

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Leonor Acero de Infante

Apellido:Acero de Infante
Fecha de fallecimiento:15/01/2018
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Leonor was the wife, for 53 years, of our dear colleague Mario Infante. Mario worked at the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA).

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Joseph Clement Campbell

Nombre:Joseph Clement
Fecha de fallecimiento:12/01/2018
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Joseph C. Campbell worked at the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS) from 1980 until 1999. Joseph worked as an Agricultural Economist for the Program of Rural and Urban Development in Grenada from 1980 until 1984. Later, he was the OAS Representative in Trinidad and Tobago from 1990 until 1999.

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Orestila Aleman

Fecha de fallecimiento:12/01/2018
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Orestila worked for the Organization of American States (OAS) for more than three decades in different Departments, among them: the Department of Technical Cooperation and the Office of the Secretary General. When she retired in 1989 she was working at the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD).

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Enrique C.A. Lagos Letelier

Nombre:Enrique C.A.
Apellido:Lagos Letelier
Fecha de fallecimiento:24/11/2017
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Following Enrique's service in the OAS Permanent Mission of Chile, on February 5, 1974, he joined the Organization of American States in the Department of Legal Affairs. Later, he was Director of the Department of International Law and Codification of the Secretariat of Legal Affairs. At the time of his retirement on December 31, 2008, Enrique had become the Secretary for Legal Affair.s

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Francisco Bonilla

Fecha de fallecimiento:25/11/2017
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Francisco served the OAS for 23 years, from 1963 to 1986, in the Department of Material Resources, currently Department of General Services, as Supervisor of the Messenger, Mail and Transportation Unit.

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Antonio Fernando Lulli Avalos

Nombre:Antonio Fernando
Apellido:Lulli Avalos
Fecha de fallecimiento:14/10/2017
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Ambassador Antonio Fernando Lulli Avalos worked at the Organization of American States (OAS) from November 1970 to April 1980 in the Secretariat for Technical Cooperation as Director of the Office of National Projects and Studies. Later, he was Director of the Department of Material Resources and at the time of his retirement on December 31, 1987 he was Director, Representative of the OAS in Peru.

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Kenneth Clyde Smith

Nombre:Kenneth Clyde
Fecha de fallecimiento:12/10/2017
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Mr. Smith was the father of our dear colleague K.C. Soares.

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Jose Carlos Ruiz

Nombre:Jose Carlos
Fecha de fallecimiento:26/09/2017
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

José Carlos worked for the Organization of American States (OAS) from 1962 to 1985. His assignments included: Director at the OAS National Offices in Mexico and Venezuela.

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David Charles Zimmermann

Nombre:David Charles
Nacionalidad:Estados Unidos de América
Fecha de fallecimiento:01/09/2017
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Mr. Zimmermann was the husband of our dear colleague Rosemary Ann Zimmermann, who worked at the OAS in different Departments. She retired while working in the Department of Public Information.

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