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Eva V. Chesneau

Nombre:Eva V.
Fecha de fallecimiento:31/08/2017
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Eva worked for the Organization of American States (OAS) for more than three decades in the Department of Scientific Affairs. She retired in 1989. Eva served the AROAS’ Board of Directors from 2003 to 2010.

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Lourdes Ortega-Vidal

Fecha de fallecimiento:25/08/2017
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Mrs. Ortega-Vidal was the mother our dear colleague Ligia Ortega de Guillen.

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Leo Arthur Suslow

Nombre:Leo Arthur
Nacionalidad:Estados Unidos de América
Fecha de fallecimiento:24/08/2017
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Dr. Leo Suslow served the OAS for 15 years in the Executive Secretariat for Economic and Social Affairs. He later served as a consultant from 1982-1988.

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Veronica Vergara Morales Espinosa

Apellido:Vergara Morales Espinosa
Fecha de fallecimiento:20/08/2017
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Veronica worked for the Organization of American States (OAS) for from 1967 to 1989 in the Department of Economic Affairs of the Executive Secretariat of Economic and Social Affairs.

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Trinidad Villanueva

Fecha de fallecimiento:02/02/2017
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Trinidad worked for the Organization of American States (OAS) for more than 25 years at the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM). She retired on March 31, 1989.

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Mimi Suzanne Monge Vermorel de la Rosa

Nombre:Mimi Suzanne
Apellido:Monge Vermorel de la Rosa
Fecha de fallecimiento:05/08/2017
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Mrs. La Rosa was the mother our dear colleague Cecilia La Rosa.

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Augusto Galli

Fecha de fallecimiento:04/07/2017
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Augusto served the Organization of American States with commitment and dedication for 12 years, 1989-2001. When Mr. Galli joined the OAS in 1989 he was appointed Executive Secretary of the Secretariat for Economic and Social Affairs. From November 1992 to July 1997, he was Director of the OAS National Offices in Chile and Paraguay,

and from August 1997 until his retirement in 2001, he was Director of the OAS National Office in the Dominican Republic.

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Miriam Tenembaum

Fecha de fallecimiento:30/06/2017
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Miriam worked for the Organization of American States (OAS) for more than 19 years with commitment and dedication at the Financial Services Department.

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Michael Alleyne

Nacionalidad:Trinidad y Tobago
Fecha de fallecimiento:14/06/2017
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Michael served the Organization of American States (OAS) for twenty years (1976–1996). He started at the Department of Educational Affairs as Deputy Director. From 1985 to 1990, he was Technical Assistant in the Executive Secretariat for Education, Science and Culture, and from 1990 until his retirement in 1996, he was Technical Adviser in the Office of the Assistant Secretary General.

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Mary Justiniano Ayala

Apellido:Justiniano Ayala
Fecha de fallecimiento:21/06/2017
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Mrs. Justiniano Ayala was the sister of our dear colleague Maria Eugenia Zarzycki-Justiniano.

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