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James B. McCeney

Nombre:James B.
Nacionalidad:Estados Unidos de América
Fecha de fallecimiento:19/03/2016
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Jim served the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States with commitment and dedication for 29 years (1971-2000). He was an alumnus of Landon School and Washington & Lee University. He began his career in accounting at Price Waterhouse, and then joined the Organization of American States, becoming Treasurer and Director of Financial Services and retiring as Director of the Department of Material Resources in 2000.

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Luis Barbeito

Fecha de fallecimiento:11/03/2016
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Luis Barbeito served the Organization of American States with commitment and dedication for 32 years (1957-1989). He worked as Lithographer in the Printing Unit, Department of Publications.

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Jamie Ross Bravo

Apellido:Ross Bravo
Fecha de fallecimiento:09/02/2016
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Jaime served the Organization of American States with commitment and dedication for 15 years, from 1971 through 1986. He worked at the Headquarters of the Inter-American Center for Tax Research (Centro Interamericano de Estudios Tributarios (CIET)) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, until his retirement on December 7, 1986.

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William J. Hughes

Nombre:William J.
Nacionalidad:Estados Unidos de América
Fecha de fallecimiento:25/01/2016
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Mr Hughes was the husband of our dear colleague Sara Gonzalez Hughes who worked at the OAS from 1974 to 2004.

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Yamandu Rios

Fecha de fallecimiento:30/12/2015
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Yamandu served the Organization of American States with commitment and dedication for 33 years from 1963 through 1996. He started in the Office of Human Resources, later worked in the Department of Public Information, and then went to Montevideo to work at the Inter-American Children Institute. Finally he returned to Washington to the Office of Protocol where he worked until his retirement on June 30, 1996.

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Marijane Peplow

Nacionalidad:Estados Unidos de América
Fecha de fallecimiento:12/12/2015
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Dr. Peplow worked for the Organization of American States (OAS) for 30 years (1959-1989) in different Departments with commitment and dedication. Marijane served on the AROAS’ Board of Directors from 2011 to 2015.

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Maria Tereza Davis Franco

Nombre:Maria Tereza
Apellido:Davis Franco
Fecha de fallecimiento:12/12/2015
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

She came to the United States in 1968 and accepted a position at the Organization of American States (OAS).

Maria Tereza worked in the Departments of: Education, Public Information and Conferences and Meetings

Management (Documents Section) until her retirement in 2013.

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Carmen Acosta

Fecha de fallecimiento:14/11/2015
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Carmen, Nené to her family and friends, worked for the Organization of American States (OAS) for more than 15 years with commitment and dedication in the Department of Financial Services, Office of Program - Budget. Nené retired on June 30, 1998.

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Javier Santoscoy Durand

Apellido:Santoscoy Durand
Fecha de fallecimiento:02/11/2015
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Mr. Santoscoy was the father of our dear colleague Dr. Bertha Santoscoy, who worked in the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), then as the OAS’ Representative in the Dominican Republic and Peru, and also in the Secretariat of Political Affairs.

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Ralph Edward "Ned" Dimmick

Nombre:Ralph Edward
Nacionalidad:Estados Unidos de América
Fecha de fallecimiento:09/11/2015
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

In 1952 Ned joined the staff of the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States in Washington, D.C, serving first as assistant to the Director of the Department of Cultural Affairs and subsequently as assistant to the Secretary General, working frequently at conferences throughout the Hemisphere, for a period of four decades. “Ned” is responsible for a large body of translations, principally in the area of contemporary Latin American art, but he also translated and edited a brief history of Brazilian literature and a novel (Graciliano Ramos' BarrenLives).

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