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George D. Meek

Nombre:George D.
Nacionalidad:Estados Unidos de América
Fecha de fallecimiento:03/12/2020
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

George joined the OAS in 1967 and retired in 1998. He was President of the Staff Association and the OAS Staff Federal Credit Union. After his retirement from the OAS, George participated in many events of the Association of

Retirees of the OAS (AROAS) and collaborated as its Vice President during the period 2002-2003.

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Linda Jeanne Poole

Nombre:Linda Jeanne
Nacionalidad:Estados Unidos de América
Fecha de fallecimiento:28/10/2020
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Linda joined the Organization of American States (OAS) in 1970 and began a long and significant career with the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM).

As Executive Secretary of CIM from 1986 to 1996, she was instrumental in developing the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women, known as the Convention of Belém do Pará (1994.) The Convention of Belém do Pará was the first legally binding treatyin the world to focus on eliminating gender-based violence, and to proclaim that“Women’s rights are human rights.”

Linda Poole was a leader of the OAS Staff Association, serving as President for five terms of office. She was one of the principal complainants in the successful class action suit brought by OAS staff on the salary issue (OAS Administrative

Tribunal Judgment 37 of 1978.)

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Baron Richard Williams

Nombre:Baron Richard
Fecha de fallecimiento:21/10/2020
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Baron served the Organization of American States (OAS) for 30 years (1977-2007).

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Ernst Thomas Brea

Nombre:Ernst Thomas
Fecha de fallecimiento:19/10/2020
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Ernst Thomas served the Organization of American States (OAS) for 28 years 1958-1986.

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Jose Emilio Vargas

Nombre:Jose Emilio
Nacionalidad:Costa Rica
Fecha de fallecimiento:12/10/2020
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Jose Emilio served the Organization of American States (OAS) for 35 years(1951-1986).

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Carmen Crespo

Fecha de fallecimiento:01/10/2020
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Carmen served the OAS for 26 years, from 1976 to 2002, in the Inter-American Defense Board.

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Wilfredo F. Leguizamon

Nombre:Wilfredo F.
Fecha de fallecimiento:30/10/2019
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Wilfredo (Capi) served the Organization of American States (OAS) for 30 years (1965 - 1995), as senior specialist in the International Trade Unit of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

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Marie Jo Navarro-Magos

Nombre:Mary Jo
Fecha de fallecimiento:19/10/2019
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Mary Jo, was born in Chile, worked at the Organization of American States (OAS) for several years in the Department of Financial Services.

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Rosemary Ann Zimmermann

Nombre:Rosemary Ann
Fecha de fallecimiento:19/07/2020
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Rosemary worked at the Organization of American States (OAS) for 32 years (1957-1989), as senior editor of Americas Magazine, as part, first, of the Department of Culture and later on of the Department of Public Information.

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Domingo E. Acevedo

Nombre:Domingo E.
Fecha de fallecimiento:30/06/2020
Trabajó en los siguientes departamentos:

Domingo was with the Organization of American States (OAS) for some 30 years (1967-1997), where he served in a number of capacities, among them as Secretary of the Administrative Tribunal, Deputy in the Secretariat for Legal Affairs and then in the Secretariat of the Commission on Human Rights.

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