Toutes les publications:
Cybersecurity Capacity Review of the Federative Republic of Brazil
août, 2020
Cybersecurity Capacity Review of the Federative Republic of Brazil
Study reveals Brazil's cyber capabilities, aiding government in strategic cybersecurity investment prioritization.
Cybersecurity Considerations of the Democratic Process for Latin America and the Caribbean
août, 2020
Cybersecurity Considerations of the Democratic Process for Latin America and the Caribbean
The publication presents an approach on the cyber threats that affect existing democratic processes in Latin America and the Caribbean and advances how to reduce their impacts on regional democracy.
août, 2020
Alert for Amphetamines
SAT - Synthetic cathinones sold as ecstasy
août, 2020
SAT - Synthetic cathinones sold as ecstasy
SAT - Alert on the presence of ketamine in samples sold as 2C-B
août, 2020
SAT - Alert on the presence of ketamine in samples sold as 2C-B
SAT - New synthetic cathinones continue to be identified in the Colombian drug market
août, 2020
SAT - New synthetic cathinones continue to be identified in the Colombian drug market
Couverture de la publication
juillet, 2020
Guide pour l'organisation d'élections en période de pandémie
Guide contenant une série de mesures pour organiser des élections sûres, propres et transparentes, visant à réduire le risque d'infection pour ceux qui organisent et organisent les élections.
Cover with OAS logo
juin, 2020
Recommendations to improve the situation of Venezuelan migrants and refugees within the context of Covid-19
Cover of the Report on a purple background, with the drawing of three hands holding three signs: the icon of woman on the left, the equal sign, and icon of man on the right.
juin, 2020
Stratégies et Bonnes Pratiques pour le Renforcement de l’Égalité de Genre dans les Organismes Nationaux Chargés de Lutter Contre le Trafic Illicite des Drogues
Fondo azul, título en blanco, franja roja, firmado por
mai, 2020
SAT - Observatory on Drug Trafficking 2020 - Chile
Cover with OAS logo
avril, 2020
Situation of Venezuelan Migrants and Refugees in Bolivia
Only available in Spanish.
avril, 2020
Information Bulletin - Early Warning System of the Americas (SATA)
avril, 2020
SATA Information Bulletin 2018-2019
Data Classification
février, 2020
Data Classification
This whitepaper seeks to provide guidance for the development of a data classification system for the purposes of ensuring access to and protection of information generated and processed by government
février, 2020
Alert for Blotting Paper with 2CB y 25B-NBOME
février, 2020
Education for immigrant girls, boys and young people in the Americas: current situation and challenges
Available only in Spanish