Toutes les publications:
Cover with half of a yellow butterfly and EU and CARICOM logos
janvier, 2009
Assessing Standards of Care for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Substance abusers in the Caribbean
Manual on basic guidelines and criteria to assess the standards of programs in the CARICOM region.
décembre, 2008
La memoria como forma cultural de resistencia Los Arhuacos
décembre, 2008
Las madres de la Candelaria
décembre, 2008
Una experiencia de justicia cmunitaria CONCILIEMOS
Publication's cover photo
mars, 2008
Methods for Election Observation: A Manual for OAS Electoral Observation Missions
Manual to outline the criteria and methods used by the Organization to evaluate elections in the context of its election observation missions
Cover of the Report, on a blue background with the names of the OAS Member States in white color, with OAS and CICAD logos.
février, 2008
Evaluation of Progress in Drug Control
Antigua and Barbuda, 4th Round
Publication's cover photo
janvier, 2008
Manual for OAS Electoral Observation Missions
Publication to define the objectives of an OAS/EOM, spells out what is being observed and how, and provides detailed procedures for organizing and implementing a mission
Blue cover, woman sitting behind a desk, OAS logo, title of the book.
décembre, 2007
Gender equality for decent work
Proposals for mainstreaming gender into labor and employment policies within the framework of the IACML
Cover of the report, blue background with words MEM 1997-2007, OAS and CICAD logos, beige on top with words MEM Achievements
janvier, 2007
Report on the Achievements of the Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (2007)
Cover, blue background with Member State names, blue rectangle in the center with a red line in between.
décembre, 2006
Hemispheric Report on the Implementation of Recommendations
4th Round
Cover, white background with red stripes at the top and at the bottom, flag of the country in the middle, Argentina.
juillet, 2006
Follow up of the Implementation of Recommendations
Argentina, 3rd Round
Cover, white background with red stripes at the top and at the bottom, flag of the country in the middle, Bahamas.
juillet, 2006
Follow up of the Implementation of Recommendations
Bahamas, 3rd Round
Cover, white background with red stripes at the top and at the bottom, flag of the country in the middle, Barbados.
juillet, 2006
Follow up of the Implementation of Recommendations
Barbados, 3rd Round
Cover, white background with red stripes at the top and at the bottom, flag of the country in the middle, Belize.
juillet, 2006
Follow up of the Implementation of Recommendations
Belize, 3rd Round
Cover, white background with red stripes at the top and at the bottom, flag of the country in the middle, Bolivia
juillet, 2006
Follow up of the Implementation of Recommendations
Bolivia, 3rd Round
Cover, white background with red stripes at the top and at the bottom, flag of the country in the middle, Brazil.
juillet, 2006
Follow up of the Implementation of Recommendations
Brazil, 3rd Round