Ivan C. Marques
Secrétaire à la sécurité multidimensionnelle

The Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), a consultative and advisory body to the OAS, serves as a forum for addressing the drug problem. It provides technical assistance for capacity building and, since 1986, has promoted regional cooperation to address the evolving challenges of drug control.
The Department against Transnational Organized Crime (DTOC), provides technical and legislative assistance to OAS Member States to combat organized crime. Established in 2016, It promotes regional cooperation projects, assesses and prevents various forms of transnational crime, and offers Technical Secretariat services to specialized forums in the field.
The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE) supports Member States in their efforts to prevent and counter terrorism through programs on topics such as cybersecurity, border controls, prevention of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and violent extremism
The Department of Public Security (DSP) supports the Member States in the assessment, prevention, diagnosis, and response to security threats in the Americas. DSP actions include providing technical assistance, contributing to the implementation of regulatory frameworks, and promoting international cooperation and horizontal exchange to strengthen public security in the region.
Suite projets
Projets, Programmes et Initiatives en vedette
Suite publications
Publications en vedette
septembre, 2023
Challenges and Strategies: Considerations on Ransomware Attacks in the Americas
This publication offers recommendations and reflections based on international best practices for dealing with a ransomware attack and its implications
Cover with OAS logo
janvier, 2022
Typologies and red flags associated to money laundering from illegal mining in Latin America and the Caribbean
mars, 2024
Guide for the Safe Management of human mobility and the identification of crimes of human trafficking and migrant smuggling
Available only in Spanish
Couverture avec titre et logos
décembre, 2023
Comment élaborer une politique nationale en matière de drogues
Un guide destiné aux décideurs politiques, aux praticiens et aux parties prenantes