Permanent Consultative Committee II: Radiocommunications Including Broadcasting
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission

Workshop on Technical and Regulatory Aspects of the Effects of
Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Emissions - San Salvador, El Salvador
April 16, 2007

Venue: RADISSON PLAZA HOTEL, 89 Avenida Norte & 11 Calle Poniente, Colonia Escalón
San Salvador, El Salvador

Organization: CITEL, Telecommunication Commission of Central America (Comisión de Telecomunicaciones de Centroamérica—COMTELCA), General Superintendency of Electricity and Telecommunications (Superintendencia General de Electricidad y Telecomunicaciones—SIGET) and Centre of Excellence for the Americas Region of the ITU. 

8:00 – 9:00

Registration of Participants

8:30 - 9:00

Opening Ceremony


Mr. Héctor Mario Carril, Workshop Coordinator and Rapporteur of the Rapporteur Group on the Technical and Regulatory Aspects of the Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Emissions (NIR)


Mr. Mikhail Marsiglia, Alternate Chair of PC


Ms. Melba de Reyes, Director the Center of Excellence of the  International Telecommunication Union·           


Mr. Héctor Rodríguez, Executive Director of COMTELCA


Mr. Fernando Argüello, Superintendent of SIGET

9:00 – 10:00

Results of work on NIR conducted in CITEL


DVD Presentation: “Technical and Regulatory Aspects of the Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation”. Work done by the group and Lima Workshop

Mr. Héctor Carril (SECOM, Argentina)


Status of the development of standards and studies prepared by international organizations specializing in the safe use of non-ionizing radiation

Moderator: Mr. Saúl Vázquez, SITGET

 10:00 - 10:45



Ms. T.E. van Deventer, Scientist, Radiation & Environmental Health Protection of the Human Environment (World Health Organization)

10:45 – 11:00


11:00 – 11:45

Mr. Paolo Vecchia, Chair, International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). (Document Nro. CCP.II-RADIO/doc.1373/07)


11:45 – 12:30



Mr. Ronald C. Petersen, Chair, Technical Committee No. 106, International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). (Document Nro. CCP.II-RADIO/doc.1374/07)

12:30 – 14:30



Status of the development of standards and studies prepared by international organizations specializing in the safe use of non-ionizing radiation.

Moderator: Ms. Melba de Reyes, Director the Center of Excellence of the International Telecommunication Union


14:30 – 15: 15



Dr. C-K. Chou, IEEE International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety. (Document Nro.  CCP.II-RADIO/doc. 1370r1/07)

15:15 – 16:00


Mr. Víctor Cruz, Advisor, International Electromagnetic Fields Project, National Institute for Telecommunication Research and Training (INICTEL-UNI) (Document Nro.  CCP.II-RADIO/doc. 1380/07)


16:00 – 16:15



16: 15 – 17:00

Vision of regulators in the region: the process of setting standards based on scientific data

Mr. Jean-Claude Brien, Industry Canada, Canadá. (Document Nro.  CCP.II-RADIO/doc. 1369/07)


Mr. Fernando Argüello, Superintendent of SIGET, El Salvador



Overview by the private sector

Moderator: Mr. Ricardo Terán, honorable adviser Chamber of Deputies, Republic of Argentina


17:00 - 17:40

Municipalities, municipal regulations on the installation of antennas, risk perception, and control methods.


Mr. Antonio Marini, Coordinator on RNI, CPqD Telecom & IT Solutions (Brazil). (Document Nro.  CCP.II-RADIO/doc. 1371/07)


Mr. Ernest Cid, Wave Control. (Document Nro.  CCP.II-RADIO/doc. 1352/07)


17:40 – 18:45

Vision and commitment of industry, manufacturers, and operators, private-sector research, communication with the public.


Mr. Aderbal Bonturi Pereira, Latin America Director, Mobile Manufacturers Forum (MMF)


Sr. John Roman, Director, Task Group on Health and Science, Wi-Fi Alliance. (Document Nro.  CCP.II-RADIO/doc. 1353/07)


Mr. Norberto Capellán, Chair of the Chamber of Information and Communications of Argentina (Document Nro.  CCP.II-RADIO/doc. 1379/07)


Closing of Workshop


Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL)  •  Organization of American States
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