Organization of American States Department of<br />Human Development
Grid Connected and Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Systems - UPV


This application must be completed in its entirety before you exit the site or submit the form.

Any information you enter can be saved during this session but cannot be saved for another session before the application is submitted.

Before you start, please make sure you have all the required documents, scanned in PDF format (3MB), in one (1) single file as it is a requirement in order to successfully submit the application:

  • Copy of the diploma for the highest degree obtained. (Bachelor / Master)
  • Two (2) recommendation letters
  • Curriculum Vitae * [a maximum of four (4) pages]
  • Copy of a government issued identification document from the applicant’s country of origin.

Bear in mind that the OAS will only consider COMPLETE applications. If you fail to upload the required documents, your application might be deemed illegible.

If you need to make changes in the online application after you submit the form, you will have to fill out a new one.

If you have questions regarding the online application, please send us an email at: pdsp

This application must be completed online.

If you are ready to fill out the application form from beginning to end, please click the "Continue" button below.