Organization of American States Department of<br />Human Development
Trade and Environment Seminar 2014



The application must be completed in its entirety before exiting the site or submitting the form. The information you enter can be saved as you are working on it during this session. However, information cannot be saved for another session before the application is submitted. We strongly suggest that you print a blank application form, prepare the narrative information in a separate Word document which you can copy and paste into the on-line application form, and fill out the other data by hand on the application form before you begin to fill out the form on line. Once you access and open the form, it can remain open (without exiting or submitting it) indefinitely, so you will have time to fill out the form and check your information before submitting it. No changes will be permitted after you submit the form.

This application must be completed on-line.

Professional Development Scholarship Program

Trade and Environment Seminar 1]


1) Place of Study: American University, Washington College of Law, 4801 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington DC. Tel: (202) 274-4000, Fax: 202-274-4226

2) Contact: Katiuska Lourenco (Tel: 202-370-4554 / E-Mail: [email protected])

3) Dates: From June 16th to June 20th, 2014

4) Duration: 5 days

5) Language: English

6) Modality: On-site

7) Objetives:

Train future leaders of developing countries to acquire the tools required to achieve a comprehensive overview of the issues of trade and environment in the context of the sustainable development agenda. Also, at the end of the course participants will have the skills to negotiate and implement international trade agreements that include provisions or have environmental implications with a view to sustainable development.

The course is designed for students with a bachelor's or post graduate degree seeking a specialization in trade-environment issues. Thus promotes human capital development in the area of trade and the environment. The course provides practical tools for identifying the intersections between trade and environment, the dimensions of international trade, ways of compliance and enforcement of environmental obligations. Moreover they will acquire the necessary tools for negotiating trade agreements related to the environment, they will learn the fundamentals aspects for the implementation of treaties and agreements related to the environment through a simulation of a negotiation.

The course offers the opportunity for integration and discussion towards the strengthening of regional cooperation networks in the area of ??trade and environment.

Finally, the course offers the participants a platform to share experiences and identify needs and opportunities for cooperation between them in the area of ??trade and environment.

8) Course Content:

This program will address the main issues on the agenda of trade and environment, from both a multilateral and regional perspective. Through a series of modules in the program, important areas of trade law and international environmental law and domestic policy are highlighted with the technical issues involving the relationship between trade and environment.








9) Requirements:

· Be a citizen or permanent resident of an OAS member state.[2]/ (Residents must send in a copy of their visa);

· Have a professional title/degree in Public Policy, Political Science, International Relations, Law, Economics, and any other related field

· Have had professional experience in the field of

· Have an excellent command English, duly accredited by submitting a certificate attesting to command of language other than mother tongue.

· Be physically able to meet the obligations of the Course.

· Submit a properly completed application before the deadline set by the corresponding National Liaison Office (ONE).[3]/ Candidates are responsible for verifying that deadline with their respective ONE

N.B.: If you have been awarded an OAS Professional Development Program in the last twelve (12) months, or if you currently hold an Academic Scholarship, you are not eligible to apply for another scholarship from the Professional Development Program.

10. Criteria governing the award of OAS scholarships: Pursuant to Article 4.2 of the Manual of Procedures for Scholarships and Training Programs, OAS scholarships shall be granted on the basis of the following criteria:

· The objectives and priorities established in the OAS Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development;

· The training priorities of the member states;

· The merits and overall credentials of the candidate, including his/her academic and professional background;

· The financial need of the candidate; and

· An extensive and equitable geographic distribution for the benefit of all member states that takes into account the greater needs of the smaller and relatively less developed economies.

11. Benefits:

· The Department of Human Development, Education and Employment of the OAS defrays coach-class air fare between the scholarship-holder’s place of residence and Washington DC. Funds are not provided to cover terminal and transit expenses.[4]

· The Department of Sustainable Development of the OAS and Washington College of Law, American University will cover:

· Scholarship for 50% of tuition (total tuition of $ 1,000.00).

· An in-kind contribution of $ 75.00 per night for lodging of those students staying in dormitories for American University-Washington College of Law graduate students (total lodging cost is US$900.00 for six nights. Students should be able to cover 50% of cost ($450.00)

· All materials and readings.

· Certificate issued by the DSD of the OAS and American University Washington College of Law.


12. Responsibility of Awardees

· Selected candidates, should be able to cover 50% of lodging cost ($450.00)

· Following selection, candidates must notify the OAS (Department of Human Development, Employment and Employment) of their willingness to make use of the scholarship during the period indicated, so that the OAS can make the necessary arrangements for the purchase of the coach-class return ticket between the country of origin and the Course venue.

· Scholarship Acceptance Form: The candidates selected must formally accept the Professional Development Scholarship by completing and signing the “Scholarship Acceptance Form” that the Department of Human Development, Employment and Employment will send them soon after their selection. Only when the DHDEE has received that duly signed form will it proceed to arrange for the purchase of the coach-class return air ticket between the country of origin and/or residence and the Course venue.

· It will be incumbent upon each awarded to do what is necessary to obtain in good time the visa(s) she or he will require to enter Brazil and any transit country (if applicable). The OAS will not defray any immigration or visa-related expenses.

· If a selected candidate accepts the scholarship but later, for compelling reasons, cannot take it up, she or he must immediately notify the Department of International Law and the Department of Human Development, Education and Employment, so that this office can decide what steps to take and make the necessary arrangements.

· If a selected candidate declines the scholarship after the air ticket has been bought without due authorization by the Department of Human Development Education and Employment, or does not travel on the dates established, or changes route, he or she shall be responsible for defraying the cost of the air fare and for any further cost incurred.

· If a selected candidate does not travel on the dates established or changes route after the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (GS/OAS) has bought the ticket, the candidate shall be responsible for paying any difference in the air fare needed to arrive in time for the start of the Course.

· A selected candidate shall reimburse the total cost of the return ticket from his or her country of residence to the country where the Course is held if, after the ticket has been purchased, he or she declines the scholarship without due authorization in writing from the OAS Department of Human Development, Education and Employment. This shall include any additional expenditure incurred by the GS/OAS, such as extra accommodation expense during travel by the scholarship-holder from his or her country of origin to the Country in which the Course is held. This shall include any additional expenditure incurred by the GS/OAS, such as extra accommodation expense during travel by the scholarship-holder from his or her country of origin to the Country in which the Course is held.

13. Submission of applications:

1. You will find the course announcement in the following link:

2. After reading the course information fully, click "Continuar/Continue" at the end of the page.

3. Fill out the application form.

4. After filling out the application form, click "Enviar/Send” at the end of page 5.

5. A copy of the application form will be automatically sent to your email address.

6. Print and sign the application form sent to your email.

7. Submit the signed form and the documents stipulated in the announcement, along with the Professional Development Scholarship Forms and Documents: to the National Liaison Office (ONE) of your country

Any question about submitting applications for this course should be sent to: [email protected]

OAS/DHDEE/LZea-Yonker/ Seminario sobre Comercio y Medio Ambiente /English/USA/201

[1] The General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (GS/OAS) reserves the right to cancel this scholarship announcement at any stage in the process. Furthermore, neither the OAS, the GS/OAS, nor its staff shall be liable for any action related in any way to the information contained in this announcement.


[3]. The deadline for applications to be submitted to the ONE varies from country to country and should therefore be confirmed with the ONE in the applicant’s country of origin or permanent residency.

[4]. The Department of Human Development, Education and Employment will defray up to $ 1,350.00 in round trip air fares between member states.

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