Derniers événements et cérémonies

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« mars 2009 »

First Regular Session of the Executive Committee of the Inter-American Commission of Women

Date: 31 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
At the Hall of the Americas took place the presentation of the Documentary Film: “Code Name: Butterflies”

Date: 30 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva - OEA
First Regular Session of the Executive Committee of the Inter-American Commission of Women

Date: 30 mars 2009
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
The OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, speaks at the Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Inter-American Development Bank

Date: 29 mars 2009
Lieu: Medellíin, Colombia
Photos: Arlette Pedraglio, BID
OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, participates at the Progressive Leaders' Summit in Viña del Mar (Chile)

Date: 28 mars 2009
Lieu: Viña del Mar (Chile)
Photos: OEA
The OAS Assistant Secretary General, Albert Ramdin, signs an agreement to organize the Model OAS General Assembly for students in San Pedro de Sula

Date: 27 mars 2009
Lieu: San Pedro Sula, Honduras
Photos: OEA
III Model of the Permanent Council for the OAS Interns

Date: 27 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva, Juan M. Herrera
Inauguration of the 134 Regular Session of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

Date: 25 mars 2009
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
The OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, participates in the Conference: “Caught in the Hurricane: Debating the Caribbean’s Development Challenges in an uncertain World”

Date: 24 mars 2009
Lieu: Brookings Institution, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets with the Chilean Congressman Patricio Walker

Date: 24 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Fifteenth OAS Policy Roundtable: Presentation of the Latin American Economic Outlook 2009 of the OECD

Date: 24 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva - OEA
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets with the Permanent Representative of Chile to the UN, Ambassador Heraldo Muñoz

Date: 24 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva - OEA
OAS, Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, receives a group of students from the Escuela Sierra Nevada, S.C, of the Distrito Federal, Mexico

Date: 24 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets with the authorities of the International Association of Broadcasting

Date: 23 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva - OEA
The OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, meets with the President of the Supreme Court of Justice of Peru, Javier Villa Stein

Date: 23 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza participates during the presentation of the study “The Americas and the World”

Date: 23 mars 2009
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
The OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, addresses the participants of the consultation meeting on the EU’s role in Democracy Building in Latin American and the Caribbean

Date: 23 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, participates at the Francophonie’s Celebration ceremony

Date: 20 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Public Hearings of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights – 134 Period of Sessions – March 2009

Date: 20 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets with the Head of Government of México Federal District, Marcelo Ebrard

Date: 20 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets with the Director of the Washington DC Office of the Indian Law Resource Center, Armstrong Wiggins

Date: 20 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva - OEA
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets with Terry Davis, Secretary General of the Council of Europe

Date: 20 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva - OEA
Signing of the Agreement between the Government of Panama and the OAS on Privileges and Immunities of the General Election Process in that country

Date: 20 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia leiva - OEA
The OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, attends the presentation of the Council of the Americas report: “Building the Hemispheric Growth Agenda: A New Framework for Policy”  

Date: 20 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
OAS Assistant Secretary General Albert Ramdin meets with the President of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Cecilia Medina Quiroga

Date: 19 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva - OEA
Thirty Fourth Lecture of The Lecture Series of the Americas “The Universality of Human Rights and the Work of the Council of Europe” Terry Davis, Secretary General of the Council of Europe

Date: 18 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
OAS Assistant Secretary General Albert Ramdin meets with the Permanent Observer of Marruecos, Ambassador Aziz Mekouar

Date: 18 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva - OEA
Regular Meeting of the OAS Permanent Council

Date: 18 mars 2009
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
OAS Assistant Secretary General Albert Ramdin meets with the Minister of Tourism of Haiti, Patrick Dalatour

Date: 18 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva - OEA
OAS Assistant Secretary General Albert Ramdin meets with the Minister of State of Foreign Affairs of Canada, Peter Kent  

Date: 18 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva - OEA
OAS Assistant Secretary General Albert Ramdin meets with the General Director of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, Chelston W.D. Braithwaite  

Date: 17 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva - OEA
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza inaugurates the Technical Seminar “Continuous Reporting System on Labour Migration for the Americas”

Date: 17 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets with the Permanent Observer of France, Ambassador Marie-France Pagnier

Date: 16 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva - OEA
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets with the President of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Cecilia Medina Quiroga

Date: 16 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva - OEA
OAS Electoral Observation Mission in Antigua and Barbuda during the Election Day

Date: 12 mars 2009
Lieu: Antigua and Barbuda
Photos: OEA
Press Conference of the OAS Electoral Observation Mission in Antigua and Barbuda

Date: 12 mars 2009
Lieu: Antigua and Barbuda
Photos: OEA
The OAS subscribes agreements with Costa Rican education institutions and the Fulbright Center

Date: 12 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, attends the panel discussion on the U.S. policy and the V Summit of the Americas

Date: 12 mars 2009
Lieu: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets with Deputy Foreign Minister of Honduras, Patricia Licona

Date: 12 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva - OEA
OAS Assistant Secretary General Albert Ramdin and Chief of Mission Dame Billie Miller meet with Leader of Opposition (Antigua Labor Party) Lester Bird and party leaders

Date: 11 mars 2009
Lieu: Antigua and Barbuda
Photos: OEA
OAS Electoral Observation Mission meets with Governor General of Antigua and Barbuda, Dame Louise Lake-Tack (at right)

Date: 11 mars 2009
Lieu: Antigua and Barbuda
Photos: OEA
Chief of the OAS Electoral Observation Mission, Dame Billie Miller, signs agreement with Chairman of the Electoral Commission of Antigua and Barbuda, Sir Gerald Watt

Date: 11 mars 2009
Lieu: Antigua and Barbuda
Photos: OEA
OAS Electoral Observation Mission pay courtesy call on Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer

Date: 11 mars 2009
Lieu: Antigua and Barbuda
Photos: OEA
The OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, meets with the Foreign Policy Advisor to the President of Brazil, Marco Aurelio García

Date: 10 mars 2009
Lieu: Itamaraty, Brasil
Photos: OEA
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, Celso Amorim

Date: 10 mars 2009
Lieu: Brasil
Photos: OEA
Fourth Regular Meeting of 2009 of the Summit Implementation Review Group (SIRG)

Date: 10 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, meets with President of Argentina Cristina Fernández de Kirchner

Date: 9 mars 2009
Lieu: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Photos: Presidencia de Argentina
The OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, meets with high level authorities during his visit to the Republic of Argentina

Date: 9 mars 2009
Lieu: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Photos: OEA
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile, Alejandro Foxley

Date: 6 mars 2009
Lieu: Santiago de Chile
Photos: Julián Ortiz T.
The OAS Assistant Secretary General, Albert Ramdin, visits Honduras, host of the next OAS General Assembly

Date: 6 mars 2009
Lieu: Honduras
Photos: OEA
The OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, inaugurates the First Meeting of the Ministers of Electronic Government of Latin America and the Caribbean

Date: 5 mars 2009
Lieu: Montevideo Uruguay
Photos: OEA
OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, signs a cooperation agreement on energy matters during his visit to ALADI

Date: 5 mars 2009
Lieu: Montevideo Uruguay
Photos: OEA
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets in Montevideo with the President of Uruguay, Tabaré Vázquez

Date: 5 mars 2009
Lieu: Montevideo Uruguay
Photos: OEA
Ninth Regular Session of Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE)

Date: 4 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Contribution from the government of the Bahamas to the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) and to the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE)

Date: 4 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Regular Session of the OAS Permanent Council

Date: 4 mars 2009
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva - OEA
In Paraguay, the OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, attends the inauguration of the Forum on Experiences on Judicial Power Reform in the Region

Date: 3 mars 2009
Lieu: Asunción Paraguay
Photos: Presidencia del Paraguay
Civil Society Hemispheric Forum in Preparation for the OAS General Assembly and the Fifth Summit of the Americas

Date: 3 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Preparatory Meeting of Civil Society for the Second Meeting of National Authorities on Human Trafficking

Date: 3 mars 2009
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva - OEA
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza meets in Asunción with the President of Paraguay, Fernando Lugo Méndez

Date: 2 mars 2009
Lieu: Asunción Paraguay
Photos: OEA