John Coppola


The Friends of the Art Museum of the Americas (FAMA) are proud to have supported the exhibitions and programs of the AMA | Art Museum of the Americas over the past four decades. We are doubly pleased to be a primary sponsor of the publication of this catalog highlighting masterworks from the Museum’s permanent collection.


FAMA’s mission is to assist the Museum’s educational, cultural, and outreach activities, promoting interest in Latin American and Latino art and artists. Our special events, grants, and partnerships help to advance the Museum’s goals. Jointly, we sponsor and support the presentation of art exhibitions, symposia, lectures, and publications about the arts of the Americas.


Even in a city of museums such as Washington, D.C., the Art Museum of the Americas stands out. Nowhere else can visitors encounter modern and contemporary artists hailing from Canada to Argentina, shown side-by-side with their creative compatriots from nearly every American nation in-between.


To organize the embassy receptions, establish corporate partnerships, and seek foundation and government grants requires dedication on the part of FAMA members, who deserve recognition for their passion and commitment. Many thanks to 2018 board members Emilio Alonzo-Mendoza, Robert Berry, Carlos Calderon, David de la Torre, Julia Diaz-Asper, William Farrand, Juan García, Edgard Izaguirre, Saskia Loewy, Diana Marreno, Robert Nealon and Deborah Ziska for their time, effort, expertise and financial support. Thank you as well to past President Jennifer Lubrani Cisneros, who initiated our sponsorship of this collections catalog.


We would be remiss in not singling out Ambassador Jorge Hevia, former Permanent Observer of Spain to the Organization of American States and Casilda Quiroz; and Carlos Pareja, Ambassador of Peru to the United States and Consuelo Salinas; and Andrés González, Permanent Representative of Colombia to the OAS and Ines Shuk Aparicio for their ongoing support, as well as the San Giacomo Charitable Trust, William P. Farrand, Susie and Mitchell Rice, Deborah Ziska, Isabella Marques de Castilla, Karen D. Lloyd, and Robert S. Roth, Jr., for their generous donations. Without them—and all our donors—FAMA would not be able to continue its support of this unique museum.

FAMA would also like to thank Univision Communications, Inc. for its underwriting of a digital version of this catalog, which will be the basis for an educational outreach program to engage a broader audience with Latin American art.


Peruse this catalog to engage with one hundred featured art works from the Museum. Visit the Museum to see much more of the permanent collection as well as stimulating temporary exhibitions. And join the Friends of the Art Museum of the Americas to help ensure that the Museum and its programs will continue and thrive!


John Coppola, President
Friends of the Art Museum of the Americas