Other News


Rio + 20 process

Dialogue on Ocean Governance. December 15, 2011 in Washington, D.C.


Read the Story Contest booklet from ID7 entitled "Somos Agua". November 18, 2011 in Medellin, Colombia.


Youth and Aterciopelados together in the D7. Water is also culture! l DSD participates in the 7th Inter-American Dialogue on Water Management (D7). Press release: D7 begins l Youth Award at the D7 l D7 Youth Blog l More than
                    100 Young Americans Part of Water Meeting

Rio + 20 process

Dialogue on Good Governance for Integrated Water Resources Management.November 18, 2011 in Medellin, Colombia.


IPCC and UNISDR welcome new report as historic contribution to understanding disaster risk - “This is the most intensive examin- ation ever undertaken of the relationship between disaster impacts and socio-economic vulnerability..." - Margareta Wahlstöm, UN. November 18, 2011..

Course on Geothermal Exploration and Development held in El Salvador as part of technical assistance under the ECPA initiative. Press Release. See other ECPA news in the October newsletter.


Energy Week

CARICOM Member States celebrate Energy Week 2011November 2011.



Rio +20 Process

DSD highlight Governance, Public Participation, and Gender Mainstreaming as key components in Sustainable Development Decision-Making. October 27, 2011 OAS Dialogue Series in the Framework of Rio + 20.



OAS participates in Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas Ministerial Meeting. Santo, Domingo. October 4-5, 2011. Press release.



Experts identify lessons learned of the Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN). Washington D.C., September 28-30, 2011. Press release.



OAS and Honduras Sign Cooperation Agreements, including Biofuels Project. See Press Release.


Dialogue Series in the framework of Rio +20 Process

Renowned specialists participate in Dialogue on Governance for Sustainability Washington D.C, September 15, 2011. Read DSD Roadmap to Rio + 20



Permanent Mission of Colombia to the OAS, in collaboration with the DSD, launched the Seventh Inter-American Dialogue on Water Management at the Permanent Council Read more....


U.S.-Peru FTA

OAS to house Secretariat of Environmental Matters of the U.S.-Peru Free Trade Agreement. Read more....


Launch of Disaster Risk Reduction Report

At OAS, UN presents the Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction. June 27, 2011. Washington D.C Read more...



Department of Sustainable Development and American University launched Trade and the Environment Seminar. Read more...


Project Coordinator 

Project Coordinator (PC) for the GEF-UNEP-OAS Regional Framework for Sustainable Use of the Rio Bravo Project.


Past Years

Current l 2011