
Through their participation in the IABIN Work Program, IABIN Members will undertake some or all of the following types of activities:

  • Improve the accessibility, completeness and interoperability of biodiversity databases, and promote standards for data exchange and shared vocabularies;

  • Develop a digital library of biodiversity information;

  • Develop partnerships with existing organizations and initiatives, such as the Clearing-House Mechanism, the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, the Man and the Biosphere Network, Species 2000, the North American Biodiversity Information Network, the Integrated Taxonomic Information System, and similar initiatives;

  • Develop partnerships with institutions and organizations that provide primary information, such as museums, herbaria, microbial culture collections, etc.

  • Develop, implement, and promote model curricula for biodiversity informatics training for stakeholders (e.g., researchers, protected area managers, data managers and technicians, and policy and decision makers) in the use and sharing of biodiversity information;

  • Coordinate IABIN member activities with the activities of others in order to avoid duplication and to benefit from existing resources and expertise;

  • Develop network policies concerning data quality control, access to data and information, metadata, and proper acknowledgement of the original sources of data and information; and

  • Identify sources of funding to support biodiversity information network development.