Derniers événements et cérémonies

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« avril 2004 »

Visit of the President of the Republic of Guatemala, Dr. Oscar Berger

Date: 30 avril 2004
Lieu: Hall of the Americas, OAS Main Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Press Conference of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD)

Date: 29 avril 2004
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Argentina signs instruments of ratification of the Inter-American Convention on Transparency in Conventional Weapons Acquisitions

Date: 28 avril 2004
Lieu: OAS Main Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Chile signs instruments of ratification of the Inter-American Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters

Date: 28 avril 2004
Lieu: OAS Main Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Inaugural Session of the Fifth Meeting of Ministers of Justice or of Ministers or Attorneys General of the Americas

Date: 28 avril 2004
Lieu: Hall of the Americas, OAS Main Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Special Meeting of the Permanent Council to welcome the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Peru, Ambassador Manuel Rodríguez Cuadros

Date: 27 avril 2004
Lieu: Hall of the Americas, OAS Main Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Ceremonia de Inauguración del Salón Dr. José Gustavo Guerrero

Date: 21 avril 2004
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Inaugural Session of the Second Meeting of Ministers or the highest-ranking authoritites responsible for the advancement of women

Date: 21 avril 2004
Lieu: Hall of the Americas, OAS Main Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Special Meeting of the Permanent Council on the "Promotion of Women's Human Rights and Gender Equity and Equality"

Date: 21 avril 2004
Lieu: Hall of the Americas, OAS Main Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Cultural Week of Ecuador - Exhibition by artist Jorge Perugachy

Date: 19 avril 2004
Lieu: Hall of the Americas, OAS Main Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador, Ambassador Patricio Zuquilanda, to the OAS

Date: 19 avril 2004
Lieu: Hall of the Americas, OAS Main Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Comunicado de Prensa
Leo Rowe Fund Proposes to Expand Student Loan Mandates

Date: 16 avril 2004
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Comunicado de Prensa
Press Release
Francisco Villagran de León presents credentials as new Ambassador of Guatemala to the OAS

Date: 8 avril 2004
Lieu: OAS Main Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Mexico Assumes Chair of Permanent Council

Date: 1 avril 2004
Lieu: OAS Main Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA