Derniers événements et cérémonies

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« décembre 2008 »

Ambassador Virgilio Alcántara, Permanent Representative of Dominican Republic to the OAS, speaks for the first time in the Permanent Council

Date: 17 décembre 2008
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva - OEA
Regular Meeting of the OAS Permanent Council

Date: 17 décembre 2008
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva - OEA
Columbus Memorial Library Receives Book Donation from the Government of Venezuela

Date: 16 décembre 2008
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Mauricio Azoulay
Special Meeting of the Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CEPCIDI)

Date: 15 décembre 2008
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva - OEA
OAS Assistant Secretary General, Albert Ramdin, attends the presentation of the Brookings Institution Report: “Rethinking U.S.-Latin American Relations”

Date: 15 décembre 2008
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva - OEA
XIV Meeting of the Committee of Experts of the Follow-up Mechanism for the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption

Date: 11 décembre 2008
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
OAS Assistant Secretary General Albert Ramdin participates at the IDB Forum on “Culture and Development: Advancing Equality and Racial Inclusion”

Date: 10 décembre 2008
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza attends in Panama the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Commerce' Meeting: "Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas"

Date: 10 décembre 2008
Lieu: Panamá
Photos: Cancilleria - Panamá
Special Meeting of the Meeting of the Work Group in charge to Prepare the Draft American Declaration on Indigenous Peoples

Date: 10 décembre 2008
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
The World Bank President, Robert Zoellick headlines OAS Conference during the Thirty-First Edition of the Lecture Series of the Americas

Date: 8 décembre 2008
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
Presentation Of the Credentials of the New Permanent Representative of Dominican Republic to the OAS, Ambassador Virgilio Alcántara

Date: 8 décembre 2008
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
Guatemala and Belize sign a Special Agreement to submit Guatemala’s Territorial, Insular and Maritime Claim to the International Court of Justice

Date: 8 décembre 2008
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva
OAS Assistant Secretary General Albert Ramdin welcomes a delegation of Lycée Rochambeau

Date: 5 décembre 2008
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Fifth Summit of the Americas Policy Dialogue: “Promoting Energy Security in the Americas”

Date: 5 décembre 2008
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Third Course on International Humanitarian Law of the Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs

Date: 4 décembre 2008
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Farewell to Ambassador Michael King, Permanent Representative of Barbados to the OAS

Date: 3 décembre 2008
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
Twenty-Seventh Model OAS General Assembly for High Schools

Date: 3 décembre 2008
Lieu: OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Patricia Leiva - OEA
Regular Meeting of the OAS Permanent Council

Date: 3 décembre 2008
Lieu: Liberator Simón Bolívar Room, OAS Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA