Coordinating Mechanism
Confirmed Partners
Antecedents and Related Initiatives
Linkage with Pacific

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  • Establish a dialogue on water and climate among Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

  • Provide a framework for disseminating information, exchanging experiences, collaboration and communication on matters related to addressing climate variability and change in the management of water resources.

  • Promote the exchange of information and experiences with SIDS of the Pacific Region, and support collaboration.

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Coordinating Mechanism

Caribbean Environmental Health Institute (CEHI)  – Dialogue Convener. 
Unit for Sustainable Development and Environment, Organization of American States (USDE/OAS) – Dialogue Secretariat.
Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC): Role to be defined once the CCCCC is established in late 2002.

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 Confirmed Partners (initial phase)

Caribbean Conservation Association (CCA)
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
Caribbean Basin Water Management Programme (CBWMP)
Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA)
Commonwealth Science Council (CSC)
Organization of Eastern Caribbean States Natural Resources Management Unit (OECS-NRMU)
South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC)
United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
World Bank (WB)

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Antecedents and Related Initiatives

The Caribbean region is undertaking significant activities in the areas of water resources and climate change.  In January 2002, some of the key institutions involved in these activities met in Saint Lucia specifically to discuss management of water resources in an increasingly more variable climate.  At this meeting, mechanisms were established for collaboration and the execution of joint activities.  Additionally, Caribbean Dialogue on Water and Climate was preliminarily established and a draft version of this proposal was prepared.  The various initiatives represented at this meeting will be closely related to all Caribbean Dialogue on Water and Climate activities.  These include Caribbean Planning and Adaptation to Climate Change (CPACC), Adaptation to Climate Change in the Caribbean (ACCC), Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change (MACC), and Integrating Coastal Zone and Watershed Management (IWCAM).  Additionally, other pertinent water resource, climate change, natural hazard, and natural resource management projects underway will also contribute to the dialogue activities and will be continually consulted. 

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The first phase of the dialogue covers the period of May 2002 to March 2003, the date of the Third World Water Forum. Funding is being sought from the global Dialogue on Water and Climate (DWC) for this first phase, with the understanding that the DWC will provide the opportunity to request funding for a second phase prior to the completion of the first phase.   During this first phase, the following activities are being undertaken:

  • Public Awareness Campaign

  • Stakeholder Consultation

  • Workshop

  • Caribbean DWC Web-site

  • SIDS Issue Paper

  • Participation in the Third World Water Forum

For more information on Activities, click here.

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Linkage with Pacific

The SIDS of the Caribbean and the Pacific face similar issues in managing their water resources under the combined challenges of increasing demand, intensifying climate variability, and the potential impact of climate change.  Accordingly, the Caribbean DWC and the Pacific DWC propose to promote an active exchange of information and experiences to enrich their respective dialogues. This will include providing support for extra-regional participation in selected workshops. In addition, joint activities may be undertaken such as collaborating on specific studies, and development of issue and policy papers.

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