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The following activities will take place during the first phase of the Caribbean Dialogue on Water and Climate (May 2002 to March 2003).  As indicated below, many of the activities have linkages with corresponding work being done in the Pacific region.


Stakeholder Consultation: In collaboration with the project development process of the Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change (MACC) Project, the CDWC held the "Integrated Resource Management for MACC Workshop and Launching of the Caribbean Dialogue on Water and Climate (CDWC)."  MACC's goal in holding the workshop was to design the integrated natural resource management components of the full Global Environment Facility (GEF) project that will come on-line later in the year.  The launching of the CDWC at this meeting and the corresponding financial, technical, and logistical support enabled dialogue between groups that traditionally do not collaborate and the inclusion of many non-traditional representatives into this forum.  This participation engendered the discussion of many relevant issues and approaches that are not normally addressed in this forum.  The consultation included 47 participants from 16 countries.  It also served as a foundation for the upcoming regional workshop on Water and Climate Change (October 2002).

Documents: Proceedings

3rd World Water Forum Pacific Region Consultation:  The CDWC sponsored the participation of three representatives (Patricia Aquing, Cletus Springer, John Mwansa) in the 3rd World Water Forum Pacific Region Consultation (July 29 - August 3, 2002 in Sigatoka, Fiji).  The purpose of their participation was to promote collaboration between Small Island Developing States of the Pacific and Caribbean regions related to water resources and climate change.  During the Consultation, there was a day-long parallel even on the Dialogue on Water and Climate which was structured around the themes of Water and Climate Information Systems, Using Forecasts, and Using Scenarios.  More information on the regional meeting can be requested through the ADB regional workshop coordinator Ms. Sarah Mecartney ([email protected]), with a copy to Ms. Mary Narfi ([email protected]), and the ADB and SOPAC websites (,

Documents: Announcement of the Meeting, Final Sigatoka Action Plan, Ministerial Declaration, CEHI Presentation at Meeting


Workshop: A one-day workshop on water and climate-related critical issues will be organized as part of annual CWWA meeting in October 2002 in Saint Lucia. This annual meeting had an environmental focus, and thus attracted a wider audience in addition to the water and wastewater managers. The workshop built on the results and discussions at the stakeholder consultation.  It engaged participants in a dialogue on the potential challenges posed by climate change to the sector, and of possible adaptation strategies and measures. It also allowed them to understand the perspective of other sectors and groups related to this issue.  The workshop was attended by water managers, representatives from community groups, academia, private sector, municipal and national governments, non-governmental organizations, and international organizations.
Pacific Collaboration: Representatives from the Pacific were in attendance at this meeting and presented on their initiative.
Timeframe: October 2002
Documents: Agenda, Proceedings, An Assessment of the Impact of Climate Change on the Water Sector in the Caribbean by Marcia M. Creary, James (Jim) P. Bruce, Rawleston Moore - Paper, An Assessment of the Impact of Climate Change on the Water Sector in the Caribbean  - Presentation, Caribbean Dialogue on Water and Climate Overview by Patricia Aquing


Participation in the Third World Water Forum: A delegation of Caribbean experts participated in the Third World Water forum.  They presented the Caribbean Dialogue on Water and Climate Results to date and the SIDS Issue Paper.
Pacific Collaboration: The SIDS Issue Paper was jointly presented, together with representatives from the Pacific.  The two regions also collaborated on the organisation and composition of the Session on Water in Small Island Countries.
Timeframe: March 2003
Documents: CEHI Trip Report, Caribbean-Pacific Joint Programme for Action, Pacific Type II Partnership, Portfolio of Water Actions, Session Report, Session Statement.


Public Awareness Campaign: A brochure on water and climate in the Caribbean is being prepared for wide distribution.  The brochure will be disseminated to various sectors of society (government, private sector, academia, media, etc.).  A public awareness campaign will be launched (via regional institutions and non-governmental organizations).  Among others, this will include a presentation by CEHI and the Caricom Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) on water and climate-related critical issues to the Council of Trade and Development of CARICOM.
Pacific Collaboration: Materials for the brochure to be shared with partners in the Pacific for comments, and for possible use in the Pacific.
Timeframe: May – November 2002
Documents: Press Release, Small Island Developing States Factsheet
, Water and Climate Radio Feature, Water and Tourism Radio Feature, Water and Food Radio Feature

The radio features were broadcast throughout the Caribbean over the period  February 3 - March 14, 2003 (click here for descriptions and a list of broadcast stations and times): 

Prepare a SIDS Issue Paper: The issue paper on Water and Climate in Small Island Developing States summarizes the basic issues faced by SIDS in the Caribbean and the Pacific. It documents a selection of actual practices from the two regions in using climate information to improve water resources management, and lays the basis for the formulation of adaptation strategies and measures. The Caribbean paper will be widely distributed throughout the region.
Pacific Collaboration
: Resource persons from the Caribbean and SOPAC have established a close working relation.  They prepared both Caribbean and Pacific papers and the CDWC prepared an executive summary to accompany the papers.
May – Present
Draft Caribbean SIDS Issue Paper, 1-page Abstract of Caribbean SIDS Paper, Pacific SIDS Issue Paper, Executive Summary

Establish a Caribbean DWC Web-site: A Caribbean Water-and-Climate web site has been designed and will be maintained.  In the future, the site may contain a virtual clearinghouse, calendar of events, database of water-and-climate projects and activities, and an electronic discussion group (list-serve). 
Pacific Collaboration: Consultations will be held with SOPAC while building the web site, to learn from their experience. The Caribbean DWC web site will also include appropriate linkages with the SOPAC site.
May – November 2002
Deliverables: Print and electronic versions of the web-site.

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