Electronic Bulletin / Number 1 - July, 2004

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  Recent News
First number of the CITEL Electronic Bulletin

CITEL is pleased to present the first issue of its Electronic Bulletin info@CITEL to bring you up to date on all of its activities. We hope this will be a new tool enabling Administrations, the private sector, and all those interested in the telecommunications sector to report their progress and share their ideas.

The Bulletin will be issued monthly and contain the following main sections:

  • Latest News: Presenting up-to-date information.

  • Upcoming events: Featuring activities taking place in the CITEL Committees and Working Groups.

  • Current issues: Contains articles on new technologies and the regulatory framework for telecommunications.

  • Training: Contains executive summaries of the very interesting courses currently being offered by CITEL.

  • What' new in the region? Presenting information that the administrations and associate members send us.

This is an initiative to bring us closer to you and to provide a forum in which to share experiences. We await your input, so that with these new tools that technology puts at our disposal we can use all available means to promote the continued development of telecommunications in the hemisphere.

Adoption of the Comprehensive Inter-American Strategy to Combat Threats to Cybersecurity

By Clovis Baptista, Executive Secretary of CITEL
The thirty-fourth regular session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States adopted a Comprehensive Inter-American Strategy to Combat Threats to Cybersecurity: A Multidimensional and Multidisciplinary Approach to Creating a Culture of Cybersecurity.

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  Upcoming events
Seminar by Videoconference on VoIP

Asunción, Paraguay—On August 3, 2004 there will be a videoconference linking five sites to review the latest developments in voice over IP. This seminar can be followed on the CITEL website and is a joint undertaking of CITEL with the United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI), CITEL Regional Training Center. Join in or log on to be kept abreast of latest developments. We would like to remind you that the CITEL Electronic Forum (http://oasforum.oas.org/citel-central.nsf/mainpage?ReadForm) provides access to the draft report on technical and economic aspects of voice over IP.

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Joint CITEL-ITU Workshop on Next Generation Networks

Asunción, Paraguay—Next Generation Networks (NGN) are convergent multiservice voice/data networks that operate in a market with multiple providers. The NGN require a seamless framework with new and traditional telecommunications services in high velocity packets, interfacing with clients who have heterogeneous capabilities. The document “Next Generation Networks—Summary of Standards” (http://citel.oas.org/Standards.asp) presents NGN standards that the Working Group on Standards Coordination  is reviewing, among them the pertinent protocols and Internet telephony. On August 4, 2004 in Asunción, Paraguay, there will be a joint workshop with the International Telecommunication Union to analyze the current situation with renowned international experts.

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  Important issues
Domain Name Systems

By Oscar Messano, Rapporteur Study Question I: Internet Domain Name Signatures
The Domain Name System (DNS) is the system for resolving Internet addresses.The DNS system consists of three basic subsystems.

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IMT-2000 – 2.6 GHz could be the only harmonized band worldwide

By Francisco Soares, Chair, Working Group on Terrestrial Fixed and Mobile Radiocommunication Services
ITU Working Group WP-8F is completing the revision of Rec. 1036-2 to establish the frequency arrangement for the 2.6 GHz band. Recommendation 1036-2, approved at the last ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, establishes the frequency arrrangements for all the bands identified at the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-2000) for IMT-2000 systems. 

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Voice over IP in CITEL

By Eduardo Gabelloni, Rapporteur Next Generation Network Services
VoIP technology, as a component of Internet Protocol (IP) services, has been catching on all over the world in the past few years and is expediting the technological convergence of networks and services with data and images. The possibility of lowering final costs to a level comparable with traditional telephony is another strong incentive for adopting it.

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Strategic and Technological Management of e-Business:  Meeting the Challenge

By Melba Lucía Rivera de Reyes, Executive Director, Center of Excellence for the Americas Region
Does meeting the challenge of e-Business and the major change it entails have an impact on the strategic and technological management of sector entities and organizations?  Our answer is an unqualified “yes.”  Today’s formative and influential environment requires, among other things, self-questioning and, more importantly, the provision of answers by the sector as a whole, mindful that, regardless of the realistically downsized growth expectations of the “.coms,” e-Business is expanding steadily and continuously.  The Internet has made an evident and genuine contribution to the efficiency and low cost of the twin processes of centralized management and distributed operation. 

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What is the Interconnection of telecommunication networks?

By Francisco Castro Córdoba, Legal Adviser, Asociación Colombiana de Ingenieros (ACIEM)
Interconnection is significant when the telecommunications market is open to competition, as entering and existing operators will have the objective of accessing as many users as possible.  Hence, the ultimate aim of interconnection is the satisfaction of users who, in accessing additional communication facilities, will enhance their quality of life.  Interconnection is consequently an instrument to facilitate telecommunication competition by augmenting what is available to users on the market.

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  What's happening in the region?
World Congress on Information Law

Peru - From October 11 to 15, 2004 Cusco will be the site of the IV World Congress on Information Law: "Policies and Regulatory framework for an Information Society for everybody".

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CITEL invites Administrations and associate members to send us news or notices to include in this section.

Unless otherwise indicated, the materials published on this web site, including opinions expressed therein, are the responsibility of the individual authors/compilers and not those of the Organization of American States (“OAS”), GS/OAS, CITEL and the OAS Member States or its member countries.


Adoption of a Strategy on Cybersecurity
Domain Name Systems
Band of 2.6 GHz for IMT-2000
Strategic and technological manament for e-business
Telecommunication Network Interconnection

  What is CITEL? 

About us
Associate members

  Schedule of events

III Meeting of PCC.II: Radiocommunications including Broadcasting
Orlando, United States, 19 to 22 July 2004
V Meeting of PCC.I: Telecommunication Standardization
Asunción, Paraguay, 3 to 6 August 2004


Electronic Forum
Agenda of Connectivity


Send contributions
Contact us

© Copyright 2004. Inter-American Telecommunication Commission
Organization of American States.
1889 F St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006 - United States
Tel. (202)458-3004 | Fax. (202) 458-6854 | [email protected] | http://citel.oas.org

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