Electronic Bulletin / Number 1 - July, 2004

Versión Español

IMT-2000 – 2.6 GHz could be the only harmonized band worldwide


ITU Working Group WP-8F is completing the revision of Rec. 1036-2 to establish the frequency arrangement for the 2.6 GHz band.  

Recommendation 1036-2, approved at the last ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, establishes the frequency arrrangements for all the bands identified at the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-2000) for IMT-2000 systems. 

Although the Recommendation already contained a section on the 2.6 GHz band, Sector Members and Member States had many doubts concerning the most appropriate frequency arrangement. There were several possible and conflicting scenarios that require further study and harmonization to generate greater economies of scale and, consequently, lower costs.

This effort began immediately following WRC-03 and is scheduled to be completed by the next WP-8F meeting in Shanghai in October 2004.

It is important to note that following consideration of the contributions by the Administrations and the technical discussions arising from the three meetings held since the last Conference, of the seven existing scenarios, significant progress has been made towards defining a single scenario, as indicated in the figure below.



FDD UL (internal)


Flexible choice: FDD DL [external] or TDD

FDD LD (internal)

Figure 1. Working assumption for the frequency arrangements for 2.6 GHz (frequency arrangement)

The upcoming WP-8F meeting will be the last to address the issue (2.6 GHz). It is anticipated that the size of the blocks accommodating the FDD and TDD technologies will be defined and that some of the Notes through which a few Administrations highlight their distinct views with respect to the frequency arrangement proposed for the Recommendation can be simplified or even suppressed.

Although this frequency band is currently being used for Multichannel Distribution System (MDS) applications in most countries of the Americas, technological digitalization offers significant benefits in terms of spectrum optimization. Thus, transmission capacity can be increased to enable studies on inclusion of other applications at the same band, such as RLAN or even IMT-2000.


Francisco Soares
Working Group on Terrestrial Fixed
and Mobile Radiocommunication Services

Additional Information:  Working Group on Terrestrial Fixed and Mobile Radiocommunication Services has among its' terms of reference the follow-up of the activities and studies being conducted at the ITU, particularly in the Radiocommunication Sector so as to prepare guidelines regarding the use and sharing of radio frequency, including channeling and frequency arrangements.


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