February 23 to March 11, 2005
Participants: Corporación Sisma MujerRed Nacional de Mujeres
Topics: Rights of WomenImpact of violence and armed conflicts
Participants: Deborah SchaarIndian Law Resource Center
Jim Anaya
University of Arizona Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program
Topics: Rights of Indigenous PeoplesCompliance with the Decisions of the Inter-American System
Participants: State of Peru
Topics: Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty
Participants: Asociación Nacional Pro Derechos Humanos (APRODEH)State of Peru
Topics: Petitions and Cases
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL)Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CNDDHH) of Peru
State of Peru
Participants: FIAN International
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL)State of Brazil
Participants: Cuban-American Bar Association
Topics: Petitions and Cases
Participants: Colectivo de Abogados José Alvear Restrepo (CCAJAR)Comisión Colombiana de Juristas (CCJ)
Comisión Intereclesial de Justicia y Paz (CIJP)
Fundación Comité de Solidaridad con los Presos Políticos (FCSPP)
Grupo Interdisciplinario por los Derechos Humanos (GIDH)
Topics: General Human Rights Situation
Participants: Colectivo de Abogados José Alvear Restrepo (CCAJAR)Comisión Colombiana de Juristas (CCJ)
Comisión Intereclesial de Justicia y Paz (CIJP)
Fundación Comité de Solidaridad con los Presos Políticos (FCSPP)
Grupo Interdisciplinario por los Derechos Humanos (GIDH)
Topics: Precautionary Measures
Participants: Asesoría Jurídica PopularCentro de Derechos Humanos y Asesoría a Pueblos Indígenas
Consejo Indígena Popular
State of Mexico
Fundación para el Debido Proceso Legal (DPLF)
Topics: Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL)Mesa Nacional Indígena
Topics: Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Participants: Comisión Colombiana de Juristas (CCJ)State of Colombia
Topics: Rights of Indigenous PeoplesPrecautionary Measures
Participants: State of ColombiaFundación Comité de Solidaridad con los Presos Políticos (FCSPP)
Topics: Precautionary MeasuresHuman Rights Defenders
Participants: Colectivo de Abogados José Alvear Restrepo (CCAJAR)Comisión Colombiana de Juristas (CCJ)
Comité de Solidaridad con Presos Políticos (CSPP)
State of Colombia
Topics: Precautionary MeasuresHuman Rights Defenders
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL)State of El Salvador
Red para la Infancia y la Adolescencia de El Salvador
Topics: Rights of Children
Participants: State of Mexico
Topics: General Human Rights Situation
Participants: Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias (AMARC-ALC)Centro Nacional de Comunicación Social (CENCOS)
Comisión Mexicana de Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos (CMDPDH)
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
Participants: Centro de Investigación y Promoción de Derechos Humanos (CIPRODEH)Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL)
State of Panama
Topics: Rights of Migrants and their Families
Participants: Colectivo de Abogados José Alvear Restrepo (CCAJAR)State of Colombia
Topics: Petitions and Cases
Participants: Comisión Intereclesial de Justicia y Paz (CIJP)State of Colombia
Topics: Precautionary Measures
Participants: Comisión Colombiana de Juristas (CCJ)State of Colombia
Topics: Precautionary MeasuresHuman Rights Defenders
Participants: Coordinación de Organizaciones e Identidades Territoriales Mapuches
Topics: Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Participants: Colectivo MadreselvaState of Guatemala
Topics: Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL)State of Guatemala
Movimiento Social por los Derechos de la Niñez, la Adolescencia y la Juventud en Guatemala
Topics: Rights of Children
Participants: Clínica de los Derechos Humanos Internacionales Washington College of Law, American UniversityState of the United States
Topics: Petitions and Cases
Participants: Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR)State of the United States
Topics: Rights of Persons Deprived of LibertyPrecautionary Measures
Participants: International Human Rights Law Clinic, American University-Washington College of Law Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights
Topics: Rights of Migrants and their Families
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL)Comité de Familiares Victimas de los sucesos de febrero y marzo de 1989 (COFAVIC)
Topics: General Human Rights Situation
Participants: State of ChileJuan Pablo Olmedo Bustos
Topics: Petitions and Cases
Participants: Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias (AMARC-ALC)
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
Participants: State of GuatemalaInstituto de Estudios Comparados en Ciencias Penales de Guatemala (ICCPG)
Topics: Petitions and Cases
Participants: State of EcuadorXavier Flores Aguirre
Topics: Petitions and Cases
Participants: Comisión Andina de JuristasState of Ecuador
Topics: General Human Rights Situation
Participants: Bureau des Avocats InternationauxInstitute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti
University of Harvard - Law School
Topics: General Human Rights Situation
Participants: Corte Suprema de Justicia de Honduras
Topics: Access to Justice, Judicial Guarantees
Participants: Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL)Comunidad Gay Sampedrana
State of Honduras
Topics: Rights of Persons LGBTI
Participants: Comité para la Libre Epresión
Topics: Right to Freedom of Expression
Participants: Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS)Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL)
State of Argentina
Memoria Activa
Topics: Petitions and Cases
Participants: Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC)Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS)
Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL)
State of Argentina
Topics: Right to Freedom of ExpressionPetitions and Cases
Participants: Asamblea Pemanente por los Derechos Humanos (APDH)Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL)
State of Bolivia
Oficina Jurídica para la Mujer
Topics: General Human Rights Situation
Participants: Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR)Center on Housing Rights and Evictions
International Women's Human Rights Clinic at CUNY
National Economic and Social Rights Initiative
Social Rights Advocacy Centre
Topics: General Human Rights Situation