Grants and extensions
On April 23, 2021, the IACHR decided to grant precautionary measures for Tsotsil indigenous families living in the following twelve communities: (1) Coco', (2) Tabac, (3) Xuxch'en, (4) San Pedro Cotzilnam, (5) Chayomte, (6) Juxtón, (7) Tselejpotobtic, (8) Yetón, (9) Chivit, (10) Sepelton, (11) Yoctontik and (12) Cabecera Aldama located in the Municipality of Aldama, Chiapas, in Mexico. The IACHR acknowledged the actions taken by the State to address the alleged situation. However, after monitoring the issue, the Commission noted that attacks by armed groups have persisted, even despite the existence of an Agreement on Non-Aggression. The Commission also noted the National Human Rights Commission's observations, which, on several occasions, urged the State to guarantee the rights of the inhabitants of the area. Consequently, in accordance with Article 25 of the IACHR Rules of Procedure, the Commission requested that the State of Mexico: