Admissibility Reports

An Admissibility Report is approved if the petition meets the admissibility requirements set forth in Articles 46 and 47 of the American Convention on Human Rights, in accordance with the procedure established in Articles 30 to 36 of the Commission’s Rules of Procedure. If an Admissibility Report is approved, the petition becomes a case and it is assigned a case number and enters the merits stage.


  • Report No. 12/10, Case 12.106, Enrique Hermán Pfister Frías and Lucrecia Oliver de Pfister Frías


  • Report No. 128/10, Petition 265-05, Rosa Hernandes Sundermann And José Luis Sundermann
  • Report No. 127/10, Petition 1454-06, Thalita Carvalho de Mello, Carlos André Batista da Silva, William Keller Azevedo Marinheiro, and Paula Goulart
  • Report No. 126/10, Petition 1448-06, Roberto Carlos Pereira De Souza, et al.
  • Report No. 125/10, Petition 250-04, Raposa Serra Do Sol Indigenous Peoples
  • Report No. 41/10, Petition 999-06, Adão Pereira de Souza and Clotilde de Souza Rocha
  • Report No. 40/10, Petition 590-05, Márcio Aurélio Gonçalves
  • Report No. 39/10, Petition 150-06, Nélio Nakamura Brandão and Alexandre Roberto Azevedo Seabra Da Cruz
  • Report No. 38/10, Petition 1198-05, Ivanildo Amaro Da Silva, et al.
  • Report No. 7/10, Case 12.378, Fátima Regina Nascimento de Oliveira and Maura Tatiane Ferreira Alves
  • Report No. 6/10, Petition 262-05, José do Egito Romão Diniz

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Costa Rica


reports: 8

El Salvador


  • Report No. 144/10, Petition 1579-07, Residents of the Village of Chichupac and the Hamlet of Xeabaj, Municipality of Rabinal
  • Report No. 110/10, Petition 1560-07, Claudina Isabel Velásquez Paiz,et al.
  • Report No. 109/10, Petition 1420-05, Florentin Gudiel Ramos, Makrina Gudiel Alvarez, et al.


  • Report No. 145/10, Petition 942-05, Mario Tomás Barahona Zelaya and Heriberto Antonio Chica Portillo
  • Report No. 71/10, Petition 691-04, Omar Francisco Canales Ciliezar
  • Report No. 63/10, Petition 1119-03, Garifuna Community of Punta Piedra and its members





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Trinidad and Tobago

United States


United States

United States

Costa Rica


United States
