All Publications
Title, arrow, logos OAS and IIN
January, 2018
Guidelines for Empowering and Protecting Child and Adolescent Rights on the Internet in Central America and the Dominican Republic
Executive summary
January, 2018
2017 Year in Review of the Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO)
This document summarizes the work carried out in 2017 by the Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO)
Profile  of an Afro descendant women
December, 2017
The agenda of activism of Afro-descendant Women in Latin America
This report is only available in Spanish
December, 2017
SARE Management Report 2017
Available only in Spanish
OAS logo, flag of Colombia, title of report
December, 2017
MECIGEP Report on Colombia: Integrated planning and management model for the public sector in Colombia
This report is available in Spanish only
SAT - National Round Table on New Psychoactive Substances -2017
December, 2017
SAT - National Round Table on New Psychoactive Substances
SAT - Observatory on Drug Trafficking
December, 2017
SAT - Observatory on Drug Trafficking 2017
Study on the impact of digital incidents in Colombia (2017)
October, 2017
Study on the impact of digital incidents in Colombia (2017)
Publication offers a comprehensive overview of cyberattacks on public and private sectors, assessing their readiness to counter such threats.
SAT - Reappearance of benzofurans: 4-APB found in samples from Bogota
August, 2017
SAT - Reappearance of benzofurans: 4-APB found in samples from Bogota
SAT - New group of NPS: emergence of tablets with 6-APB (benzofurans)
August, 2017
SAT - New group of NPS: emergence of tablets with 6-APB (benzofurans)
SAT - Detection of a new synthetic cathinone: Hello Kitty tablets with butylone
August, 2017
SAT - Detection of a new synthetic cathinone: Hello Kitty tablets with butylone
SAT - Increase in the variety of synthetic cathinones: emergence of dibutylone, dimethylone, and N-ethylpentylone in synthetic drug
August, 2017
SAT - Increase in the variety of synthetic cathinones: emergence of dibutylone, dimethylone, and N-ethylpentylone in synthetic drug
SAT - High risk associated to consuming multiple drugs: NPS mixtures and other substances available in the market
August, 2017
SAT - High risk associated to consuming multiple drugs: NPS mixtures and other substances available in the market
Cover of the Guide for the Assistance of organized crime victims in the countries of the Central American Integration System
July, 2017
Guide for the Assistance of organized crime victims in the countries of the Central American Integration System
May, 2017
TD 05 - Capacidades estatales para la innovación en gestión pública: la experiencia de la OEA
Silverio Zebral Filho
SAT - Presence of adulterated LSD blotters
May, 2017
Public Alert - Presence of Adulterated LSD Blotters