All Publications
Cover with photograph of a statue and 6 surrounding icons
January, 2017
Case study: Pilot tender on sustainable public procurement in the Dominican Republic.
Support to the General Directorate of Public Procurement of the Dominican Republic (DGCP)
White background, photograph of a monument surrounded by icons such as recycling, food, cell phone, shopping bag, public transportation.
January, 2017
Case study: Implementing sustainable public procurement in El Salvador
This report is available in Spanish only
Cover white background, black and yellow geometric shapes, icons: computer, cell phone, open lock, group of people with a graphic above showing growth.
January, 2017
Diagnosis: Open data in public procurement in Latin America and the Caribbean
This report is only available in Spanish
Photo of two younf people looking at an ipad, another photo of a young health worker auscultating a toddler
January, 2017
The Coordination between Education and Labor in the Americas: Results of the Inter-Sectoral Workshop on Youth Employment
Up-to-date information, conceptual notes, national experience and policy recommendations to improve the link between the world of education and the world of work.
January, 2017
2016 Year in Review of the Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO)
This document summarizes the work carried out in 2016 by the Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO)
January, 2017
2015 Year in Review of the Secretariat for Strengthening Democracy (SSD)
This document summarizes the work carried out in 2015 by the Secretariat for Strengthening Democracy (SSD)
December, 2016
SARE Management Report 2016
December, 2016
Learning and teaching about the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
This publication is available only in Spanish
December, 2016
La prueba social y de contexto en el proceso de restitución de tierras
OAS logo, flag of Mexico, title of report
December, 2016
MECIGEP Report on Mexico: Integrity of Public Servants in the Performance of their Duties
This report is available in Spanish only
Cover with OAS logo and title.
December, 2016
MECIGEP Thematic Report 3: Promoting Integrity of Public Servants in their Relationship with Citizens
This report is available in Spanish only
SAT - Aromatic spray
December, 2016
SAT - Aromatic spray
SAT - National Round Table on New Psychoactive Substances
December, 2016
SAT - National Round Table on New Psychoactive Substances
American and African continent in white and orange, title, OAS logo
December, 2016
Action Plan for the Decade of People of African Descent in the Americas (2016-2025)
Resolution 2891 of the General Assembly
SAT - Observatory on Drug Trafficking
November, 2016
SAT - Observatory on Drug Trafficking 2016
Cybersecurity: Are we ready in Latin America and the Caribbean?
October, 2016
Cybersecurity: Are we ready in Latin America and the Caribbean?
This study aims to deepen the knowledge of cybersecurity risks, challenges and opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean.