Ivan Contente Marques
Secretary for Multidimensional Security

La Secretaría de Seguridad Multidimensional (SSM) promueve y coordina la cooperación entre los Estados Miembros de la OEA, y de éstos con el Sistema Interamericano y otras instancias del Sistema Internacional, para evaluar, prevenir, enfrentar y responder efectivamente a las amenazas a la seguridad. La SSM trabaja con la visión de ser el principal referente hemisférico para el desarrollo de la cooperación y el fortalecimiento de las capacidades de los Estados Miembros de la OEA en materia de seguridad. La SSM tiene como ámbito de acción la Declaración sobre Seguridad en las Américas. La declaración plantea una nueva concepción de la seguridad en la región, caracterizada por su naturaleza multidimensional. Esto incluye las amenazas tradicionales y nuevas preocupaciones sobre seguridad en el hemisferio. Asimismo, la SSM es la dependencia de la Secretaría General encargada de brindar apoyo a la Comisión de Seguridad Hemisférica del Consejo Permanente de la OEA.

Carta del Secretario de Seguridad Multidimensional

The Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) is the consultative and advisory body of the OAS on the drug issue. It serves as a forum to discuss and find solutions to the drug problem and provides countries with technical assistance to increase their capacity to counter the drug problem. Established in 1986, CICAD and its Executive Secretariat have responded to the ever-changing challenges of drug control, expanding efforts to promote regional cooperation and coordination.
The Department against Transnational Organized Crime (DTOC) was created in 2016 and its main purpose is to provide technical and legislative assistance to OAS Member States to confront and respond to transnational organized crime in its different manifestations.
The CICTE Secretariat is the implementation body of the Committee, which is tasked with supporting Member States in their efforts to prevent and counter-terrorism.
The Department of Public Security (DSP) supports the Member States in the assessment, prevention, diagnosis, and response to security threats in the Americas. DSP actions include providing technical assistance, contributing to the implementation of regulatory frameworks, and promoting international cooperation and horizontal exchange to strengthen public security in the region.
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Highlighted Projects, Programs and Initiatives
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Highlighted Publications
Cover with abstract forms in blue and orange, CICAD logo
November, 2019
Reference Framework for the Understanding of the Concept of Comprehensive and Sustainable Alternative Development (DAIS)
November, 2022
Report on Drug Supply in the Americas 2022
The report provides an overview of trends and patterns in drug supply across the Hemisphere.
September, 2023
Challenges and Strategies: Considerations on Ransomware Attacks in the Americas
This publication offers recommendations and reflections based on international best practices for dealing with a ransomware attack and its implications
Cover with OAS logo
January, 2022
Typologies and red flags associated to money laundering from illegal mining in Latin America and the Caribbean