Cristian Taboada

The Security and Justice Section of the Department of Public Security supports Member States in the design, implementation, and evaluation of public policies that promote improvements in police and justice systems, the effective implementation of access to justice, the professionalization and modernization of police forces, and the professionalization and modernization of penitentiary and prison systems, programs for the assistance and protection of victims and witnesses, and strengthening the capacities of police, prosecutors and judicial investigations of crimes.

Within the framework of the modernization of penitentiary and prison systems, we work on the development and implementation of comprehensive prison strategies, the education and training of prison staff, as well as on the reintegration and rehabilitation of persons deprived of liberty, and the promotion of alternatives to incarceration.

We manage the Inter-American Network for Police Development and Professionalization (REDPPOL) as an international cooperation mechanism for the generation and management of police knowledge appropriate to the new security circumstances of the region and the exchange of good practices and lessons learned. REDPPOL focuses on (i) police education and training; (ii) sub-regional horizontal cooperation; iii) implementation and certification in Quality Management; and (iv) the development of a digital platform for police cooperation. REDPPOL coordinates the police support unit integrated by associate personnel assigned by the Member States and maintains cooperative relations with national and international institutions, governmental or non-governmental, including the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) and the Police Community of the Americas (AMERIPOL), among others.

The Section also develops and implements initiatives to strengthen the capacities of police and judicial investigations of crimes, including crimes related to irregular migration, and the crime of kidnapping for ransom; coordinates the implementation of methodologies for the evaluation and analysis of national security systems; assistance in better structuring and monitoring the services offered by private security companies in the Member States; supports Member States in the development of regulatory frameworks on security and justice; and promotes the development and use of restorative justice programs, while maintaining safeguards to protect victims, within formal criminal justice processes.

The office works under the Department of Public Security.

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Highlighted Publications
Cover of the Manual for the assistance and protection of victims
February, 2023
Manual for free legal assistance to victims (Available in Spanish only)
Strengthening access to justice for victims of crime El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Dominican Republic
Cover of Toolkit for the train-the-trainer continuing education course in prevention, detection, and investigation of trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants, and protection of survivor populations
August, 2024
Toolkit for the train-the-trainer continuing education course in prevention, detection, and investigation of trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants, and protection of survivor populations (Available in Spanish only)
Cover of the Manual for the safe management of human mobility and the identification of human trafficking and migrant smuggling crimes
December, 2023
Manual for the safe management of human mobility and the identification of human trafficking and migrant smuggling crimes (Available in Spanish only)
Available only in Spanish
March, 2024
Manual for the Safe Management of Human Mobility and the Identification of the Crimes of Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants in Peru
Available only in Spanish
March, 2024
Guide for the Safe Management of human mobility and the identification of crimes of human trafficking and migrant smuggling
Available only in Spanish
Cover of the Guide for the Assistance of organized crime victims in the countries of the Central American Integration System
July, 2017
Guide for the Assistance of organized crime victims in the countries of the Central American Integration System
Cover of the Operational Guide for the Protection of Victims, Witnesses, Experts, and Other Actors Involved in Criminal Investigations and Prosecutions, particularly against Organized Crime
October, 2017
Operational Guide for the Protection of Victims, Witnesses, Experts, and Other Actors Involved in Criminal Investigations and Prosecutions, particularly against Organized Crime
Cover of Legal Assistance for Victims in El Salvador
May, 2018
Legal Assistance for Victims in El Salvador (Available in Spanish only)
What does it consist of? Where to access the service?
Cover of Legal Assistance for Victims in Guatemala
May, 2018
Legal Assistance for Victims in Guatemala (Available in Spanish only)
What does it consist of? Where to access the service?
Cover of Legal Assistance for Victims in Honduras
May, 2018
Legal Assistance for Victims in Honduras (Available in Spanish only)
What does it consist of? Where to access the service?