Page 25 - GuideFWA
P. 25 DECT

Frequency     BASE STATION                   TERMINAL (MOBILES)
Offset (kHz)

from to       Measurem.     TX Noise Floor at Measurem.  TX Noise Floor
              bandwidth                                  at offset (dBc)
              (kHz)         offset (dBc)     bandwidth


1228 2956 (*) 1000          -32,0            1000        -32,0

2956 4684 (*) 1000          -54,0            1000        -54,0

4684 6412 (*) 1000          -68,0            1000        -68,0

>6412 (**) 1000             -71,0            1000        -71,0

(*) For frequency offset values within this margin the TX Noise Floor should be linearly

(**) For frequency offset values within this margin the TX Noise Floor is constant

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