Page 7 - GuideFWA
P. 7


                                                 Ms. Salma Jalife

         The Inter-American Telecommunication Commission of the Organization of American States is
pleased to present the CITEL Guide on “Results of the CITEL study to quantify issues of incompatibility
between FWA and PCS on the 1850-1990 MHz band”.

         From 1996 to 1998, the Working Group "to quantify any incompatibility issues between FWA
and PCS Systems on the 1850-1990 MHz band" developed several documents. Let's do a brief overview
of the contents of this Guide that is divided in Parts.

         Part I includes document PCC.III/doc.935/97 “Report of the Interference Experts Group on the
Quantification of Incompatibility Issues between FWA and PCS in the 1850-1990 MHz Band” approved
at the IXth meeting of PCC.III (22-26 September 1997, Mexico City, Mexico). The report describes the
interference between Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) in the 1910-1930 MHz band and Personal
Communications Services (PCS), it proposes an analysis methodology and provides results in terms of
the minimum separation distances required between the transmitter of one wireless technology and the
receiver of another to prevent a given rise in the noise floor in an adjacent-channel receiver.

         Part II includes document PCC.III/doc.1077/98 (XI-98) “Comments on document
PCC.III/doc.935/97 by the Interference Experts Group” considered at the XIth meeting of PCC.III (14-18
September 1998, Lima, Peru). This document is the result of the consensus work that was done between
the Xth and the XIth meeting of PCC.III by the Experts and includes any existing differences of views.

         Part III includes document PCC.III/doc.922/97 “Coexistence between FWA and UPCS
isochronous equipment in the 1910-1930 MHz band” that was presented by the Interference Experts
Group at the IXth meeting of PCC.III.

         Part IV includes the presentations of the Seminar “Results of the CITEL study to quantify issues
of incompatibility between FWA and PCS in the 1850-1990 MHz band” that was held at the Xth meeting
of PCC.III (8-12 June, Natal, Brazil).

         In reviewing the results presented here, the reader must bear in mind that analysis of radio
interference between different systems is an inherently complex problem. The contents include detailed
explanations and references that can be consulted for additional details.

         The purpose of this Guide is to assist in the decision-making process involving planning,
engineering and deployment of these systems. It should also provide adequate information that will assist
in training engineers and planners. I thank all participants for their excellent work.

                                                                     Salma Jalife
                                                                  Chair PCC. III

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