Page 7 - Roaming
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          By decision PCC.I/DEC.119 (XVIII-11), adopted at the XVIII Meeting of Permanent Consultative Committee
          I (PCC.I) of CITEL, held in the city of Lima, from March 1 to 4, 2011, a questionnaire was approved to be
          sent to the Member States of CITEL on international roaming services. The questionnaire is contained in
          document CCP.I-TIC/doc. 2160.r1/11.

          By that decision, the CITEL Secretariat was instructed to send the approved questionnaire to CITEL’s
          Member Administrations for completion in accordance with that commitment. The Rapporteur Group
          will prepare the corresponding report based on the results received.

          By decision PCC.I/DEC.156 (XXI-12), adopted by PCC.I of CITEL at its XXI Meeting, held in San Salvador,
          from September 11 to 14, 2012, it was decided to continue with the diagnostic study on international
          roaming in the framework of the Rapporteurship on Roaming. Member States were invited to submit
          their responses to the questionnaire on international roaming services, or if applicable, to complete and/
          or update the responses previously submitted.

          To that end, a Workplan for the Diagnostic Study on International Roaming was adopted. The Workplan
          established the following four activities:

            Submission of pending questionnaires and/or update of information.
            Revision of the responses received from the Member States: prepare the diagnostic report.
            Circulate draft diagnostic report for contributions and comments prior to its presentation at the XXII

                 PCC.I Meeting.
            Present it to CITEL as a document for the upcoming PCC.I Meeting.

          At the XXII Meeting of PCC.I of CITEL, held in Buenos Aires, from May 20 to 23, 2013, the diagnostic report
          on international roaming contained in document CCP.I-TIC/doc. 2864 c1, was presented, together with
          some of the data it contained. Given the number of comments received, the Member States were urged
          to review the document, supplement it with their contributions and, if necessary, update the information.

             1 The Final Report may be accessed by clicking on the following link:
                  http:portaloasorg/ink&lickasp["Àleticket 16fFi00]F(d	tabid 1	mid 1

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