Décisions de mise aux archives

According to article 42 of the IACHR Rules of Procedure, at any time during the proceedings, the Commission may decide to archive the file when it verifies that the grounds for the petition or case do not exist or subsist. The Commission may also decide to archive the case when:

  1. the information necessary for the adoption of a decision is unavailable, despite attempts to secure such information; or
  2. the unjustified procedural inactivity of the petitioner constitutes a serious indication of lack of interest in the processing of the petition.

List of cases involving CARICOM countries archived by the IACHR:

Antigua and Barbuda

  • P-1022-07, Alistair Greene and Jannis Reynolds-Greene


  • P-13.451-13, 1504-13, Michael Gonzalez Berta, Germán Delgado Rojas, Ulicies Benítez Ortiz, José Luis Cartaya Ochoa, Jose Luis Cartaya Gonzalez, Duniel Reynaldo Cruz, Ramon Machado Perez, Duier Renaldo Cruz, Jorge Luis Aguilera Jimenez, Yudian Chala Gonzalez, Pedro Parrado Fumero, Edelis Savon Fomeda, Mairelys Gonzalez Sauri.
  • 11.643, Trevor Fisher


  • P-13.464-12, 97-12, Raúl Tomás García.
  • Report No. 165/10, 444-99, Edilberto Muñoz Coronell et al.



  • P-353-07, P-13.009, Kamla Patricia Panday, Anthony Williams, Anesa Williams, Orie Udho and Reita Bhagwandin, Anthony Williams, Anesa Williams, Orie Udho and Reita Bhagwandin.


  • 218-16, Kenson Noel
  • 12.457, P-44472, Marie Carmel Moise Bley.
  • 1636-09, Jean Frantz Balan.
  • P-440-11, G.S.
  • P-1092-09, A.B. et Rose Martha St Fleur
  • 12.566, Jimmy Charles
  • P-28-09, A.J., B.J., J.L. et al. Honduras
  • P-1349-08, Marie Yvette Odena et al.
  • P-116-03, Pierre Etienne and Mercidieu Nazaire
  • 319-08, Wilbens Dorcelus
  • 12.601, Johel Dominique
  • 12.458, Ephraim Aristide
  • 12.389, Jean Michel Richardson
  • Report No. 83/14, 12.456, Pierre Luckner
  • Report No. 46/12, 12.438, Guy André Francois
  • Report No. 91/11, 483-00, Jean Paul Bien-Aimé
  • Report No. 40/11, André Apaid, et al.
  • Report No. 27/10, 134-02, Rémy and Léonard Lucas
  • Report No. 26/10, 12.100, Frantz Henri Jean-Louis and Thomas Asabath
  • Report No. 25/10, 461-01, Lucien Gervais

reports: 20


  • 13.155, P-778-13, Tameka Foreman and other children.
  • P-13.648-13, 972-13, Whyett Gordon.
  • 711-06, Kimberly Adamou.
  • 569-06, Jason Kemar Smith.
  • P-899-09, Peter Rowe
  • 12.467, Fabian Moses
  • 11.321, Delford Gardner
  • Report No. 29/14, 11.884, Whitely Dixon
  • Report No. 42/11, 264-03, Regan Beckford et al.
  • Report No. 41/11, 11.215, Neville White
  • Report No. 28/10, 897-03, Canute Cummingham

reports: 11


  • 13.891, Urbian Burleson, Jules Goddard, Kenneth Amzink, Errol Harryson
  • P-490-06, P-13.306, Celeste Florine Samuels, Denny Ronald Pajé Jr., Gracielle Dulcine Pajé, Renzo Cario Samuels.
  • P-214-08, P-12.748, Koempai et al..
  • Report No. 34/10, 1118-04, Luis Miguel Sánchez Aldana

Trinidad and Tobago

  • P-962-16, 13.452, Zaheer Seepersad
  • P-43-05, P-12.796, Haroon Khan.
  • P-364-09, P-13.115, Ronald John.
  • 12.401, Alladin Mohammed
  • 12.113, P-928-CA, Warren Thomas Jackson.
  • P-382-09, Ronald Tiwarie
  • P-785-01, Kumar Sahadeo
  • 11.813, Thomas Ángel
  • 10.462, Peters Collin
  • 12.400, Takoor Ramcharan
  • 12.355, Arnold Ramlogan
  • 12.346, Sheldon Roach
  • 12.342, Balkissoon Roodal
  • 11.828, Albert Edwards
  • Report No. 31/14, 11.837, Indravani Pamela Ramjattan
  • Report No. 30/14, 12.260, Franklyn Villaroel
  • Report No. 97/11, 12.245, Robert Taylor
  • Report No. 58/11, 703-05, Mark Teeluck
  • Report No. 57/11, 1438-05, Marveil Boiselle
  • Report No. 36/10, 11.718, Anthony Johnson
  • Report No. 35/10, 12.187, Peter Isaac

reports: 21