Bureaux des rapporteurs thématiques et de pays

In order to distribute the work among its members, since 1990 the IACHR created thematic rapporteurships to devote attention to specific countries, as well as to certain groups, communities, and peoples that are particularly at risk of human rights violations due to their state of vulnerability and the discrimination they faced historically.

Rapporteurships aim to strengthen, promote, and systematize the Inter-American Commission's work on specific issues and countries.

With regard to CARICOM, country Rapporteurships are distributed among the Commissioners in the following manner:

Roberta Clarke

le commissaire Roberta Clarke

Carlos Bernal Pulido

le commissaire Carlos Bernal Pulido

José Luis Caballero Ochoa

le commissaire José Luis Caballero Ochoa

Edgar Stuardo Ralón Orellana

le commissaire Edgar Stuardo Ralón Orellana

Arif Bulkan

le commissaire Arif Bulkan

  • Rapporteur pour peuples indigènes.
  • Rapporteur pour Dominique; Jamaïque; et Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines.
Andrea Pochak

le commissaire Andrea Pochak

Gloria Monique de Mees

le commissaire Gloria Monique de Mees

Voici la liste complète des rapporteurs par pays et par thème : Distribution.