Rapports d'irrecevabilité

An Inadmissibility Report is approved if the petition does not meet the admissibility requirements set forth in Articles 46 and 47 of the American Convention on Human Rights, in accordance with the procedure established in Articles 30 to 36 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure. If an Inadmissibility Report is approved, the processing of the petition ends at that time.


Dominican Republic


  • Report No. 54/24, Petition 1464-22, Grandy Nanny Clan of Arawak-Maroons of Jamaica
  • Report No. 25/99, Case 12.018, 12.022, 12.024, 12.025, 12.026, 12.027, 12.029 , Steve Shaw, Desmond Taylor, Beresford Whyte, Silbert Daley, Deon McTaggart, Andrew Perkins and Everton Morrison
  • Report No. 24/99, Case 11.812, Gabriel Lastra Pedrero and Adela Ortíz Catalá
  • Report No. 97/98, Case 11.825, Neville Lewis
  • Report No. 96/98, Case 11.827, Peter Blaine