Inter-American Cooperation Portal on Cybercrime

Inter-American Portal on Cybercrime

The Inter-American Portal on Cyber-Crime and the Working Group are two of the major outcomes of the process of Meetings of Ministers of Justice or Other Ministers or Attorneys General of the Americas (REMJA) aimed at strengthening hemispheric cooperation in the investigation and prosecution of these crimes.

This Portal was created primarily to facilitate and streamline cooperation and information exchange among government experts from OAS member states with responsibilities in the area of cybercrime or in international cooperation for its investigation and prosecution.

Strategic Partners

The OAS/REMJA works alongside strategic partners to promote initiatives in the fight against cybercrime. These initiatives include trainings for government official for the successful prosecution of cybercrimes, legislative workshops to update laws on cybercrimes, and promotion of best practices against cybercrimes.

The Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE) and the Cyber Security Program of the OAS, seeks to build and strengthen cyber-security capacity in the member states through technical assistance and training, policy roundtables, crisis management exercises, and the exchange of best practices related to information and communication technologies.