Department of Effective Public Management
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Seminars & Publications
seminarios image Objective: To promote and create a dialogue on innovation in our region, as an important element for the strengthening of public administration and democracy.

During the event, initiatives from different OAS member states were presented, grouped into four (4) presentations: 1. Innovation on Human Talent Management for quality of public services; 2. Social Innovation for a collaborative government; 3. Innovation for an Open Government at the service of citizenry; 4. Innovation on Municipal Public Management.

Date and place of the event: March 5th and 6th, 2015; Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo, Mexico

image Purpose: To share and disseminate innovative experiences in effective public management, with the goal of strengthening the efforts of multilateral and horizontal cooperation that the OAS/DEPM promotes in the Region; with the mission of contributing to make public institutions more transparent, effective and have mechanisms of citizen participation.

During the Seminar, several initiatives from the OAS countries were presented, which were divided into five (5) Panels: Panel 1: Planning and/or Evaluation of Public Policies; Panel 2: Open Government and Access to Public Information; Panel 3: Inter-institutional Coordination of Public Policies and Programs; Panel 4: Quality in Public Policy; and Panel 5: Human Resources Management.

Date and place: March 13 – 14, 2014 / Panama City – Panama.

image Purpose: To disseminate initiatives that countries of the region are developing and implementing in topics related to inter-institutional coordination, fiscal reform, updates on civil registry, e-government, strategic planning and access to public information.

In this event, speakers from six (6) OAS Member States such as Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico and Jamaica presented their own innovative experiences in public management; along with representatives from international organizations such as the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), The Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). In addition, eighteen (18) OAS Member States participated through representatives of their missions.

Date and place: September 21, 2012 / Washington D.C. – United States of America.
pubs image Purpose: To foster the creation of public policy observatories by making information available to public officials, the academic community, scholars of public administration, and public in general, on their usefulness and performance, as well as experiences in the region.

Date of Publication: March 2015

image Purpose: This study seeks to contribute elements for the in-depth exploration of the nature, work, and scope of the Public Management Guiding Institutions in the Americas; and, in pursuit of that goal, during the first quarter of 2013, the OAS Department for effective Public Management (DEPM) organized a hemispheric consultation among the Public Management Guiding Institutions of its 34 Member States, with a total of 23 responses received.

This Consultation was carried out using a standardized Surrey of 48 questions, structured around four axes that reflect a complete development cycle for a public policy within any agency: Strategic Management Axis, Process Management Axis, Results Management Axis, and Institutional Relations Management Axis.
Date of Publication: March 11th, 2014

image Purpose: It seeks to disseminate and share different initiatives carried out by the States pertaining to the Inter-American System in topics related to inter-institutional coordination, fiscal reform, updates on civil registry, e-government, strategic planning and access to public information.

This Publication is base on the I International Seminar: “Innovative Experiences in Public Management and Regional Cooperation strategies”, held on September 21st, 2012 / Washington DC- United States of America.

Date of Publication: September 24th, 2012.